PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

He did and he was right. To quote the great Mahatma Gandhi, " First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

The redshirts rested on their laurels convinced their unchallenged success would never end. "Noisy neighbours" as Ferguson said. By the time they awoke from their slumber it was too late. We were streets ahead and sailing off into the distance. The only way to halt our progress was to bum rush ffp through, hack our database and mount a sustained relentless media slur campaign.
I hope it we're successful in our case that we pursue our enemies with no mercy.

Did a Uni piece in ancient times and used this quote which I’ve always loved. Many think It it came from a a US Union guy at the start of WW1.
Only added to your post coz of its ‘attack and burn’ and ‘monuments’ references which I think is really relevant to where we are and hopefully where we’re going.
Hope you don’t think I’m marking your homework coz I’m actually too stupid to do that. :)

And, my friends, in this story you have a history of this entire movement. First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they build monuments to you. And that, is what is going to happen to the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America.
The media have changed their tune from saying were guilty to saying the charges are casting a shadow over the club.

This was always going to happen that the charges would be brought up again after we won the league. Pretty much everyone predicted that on here
Agree with this. The charges are still being mentioned but in the big outlets the assumption of City’s guilt has reduced. The tone has changed and the pressure is on the PL to sort it out. Personally I believe there has been some form of communication to the main media groups. The freelance loons continue to rant but they have no influence.
It was all political. UEFA used the legal process as a political tool and always have done that in the past. The PL leadership urged on by LFC, MUFC, Spurs, and Arsenal have made the same mistake. They think the sheer volume of charges is just a lever to curb City’s spending. Evidence doesn’t come into it because clubs always settle. Khaldoon has called their bluff.

The Super League has been a symptom of Uefa being pushed by other clubs to stop City via the Der Spiegal articles. Since it’s been holed beneath the water line and legislation has been passed to stop any English clubs joining any break away league, 115 charges is their last attempt to fuck City over as they have run out of road on what they can do to the club on their financial fair play rules.
I still think the PL proceeded because the club put them in a no-win situation: the club didn't provide the evidence to the investigation that the whole world knows exists (because it was largely presented at CAS) because the PL didn't have the right to demand it - the external information from Mancini, Toure, ADUG Etihad, Etisalat and the rest.

So what could the PL do? Drop the case and set a terrible precedent, or continue with the case and suffer (hopefully) a terrible loss.

Choose the form of the Destructor!

Brilliantly done by the club.
I still believe the cartel clubs & the EPL had jumped on the back of UEFA 2 year ban & when it was overturned by CAS they wanted it to quietly go away.

it was all or nothing when the independent regulator green paper was annonced

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