PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The clear and obvious comeback from the hosts of the thick,uniformed,or just downright biased will be to claim bribery, government interference or deeper pockets for lawyers.

This isn't going to just all disappear with a not guilty verdict,the club,like it or not,will have some sort of tarnish attached for years.
It may not disappear but it will make people who continue to bring up charges look more stupid than they are now.
There's a "clear and obvious" way out for the PL which preserves the brand and makes them look decent regulators.

"Following the release of 6 or 7 edited emails out of over 3 million illegally obtained emails by a.hacker, there were legitimate concerns raised by PL members about how City were behaving.

We have spent a long time investigating these concerns and have raised them with City. As a result we can confirm that there are no issues, nothing untoward has been done and all rules have been followed. City have co-operated fully in our investigation, which will go no further, and we thank them for that co-operation."

Etc, etc "needed to check, very thorough investigation", etc
Doesn’t work. They wouldn’t have sent to a panel without thhiroughly investigating, etc. Even if the PL can’t make the charges stick they can tell their “stakeholders” they did the right thing and the panel let them down, etc. All of this is presentational and designed to head off super leagues, independent regulation, etc etc. all politic
The clear and obvious comeback from the hosts of the thick,uniformed,or just downright biased will be to claim bribery, government interference or deeper pockets for lawyers.

This isn't going to just all disappear with a not guilty verdict,the club,like it or not,will have some sort of tarnish attached for years.

I think the PL have to stress how many hours the investigated, how many documents they checked, how many experts were involved etc. Really explain how thorough they were and how every doubt was answered.

You are right though, it won't stop everyone. It would stop the majority of the mainstream press though and that would be a start.

Hopefully followed by the spotlight being shone on some other clubs dealings.
When (or if) we finally get cleared we should put a massive row of stocks in City Square and put the likes of Roan, Ronay, Liew, Carragher, Keys, Goldbridge et al in them and have tons of buckets of horse and bullshit ready to fling the fucking lot of it at them as they have flung more than enough at us. Then hose them down make them walk into the centre circle, kneel before Khaldoon, Pep, players and the fans and beg for forgiveness. Then we should hand each and every one of these turds a lifetime exclusion order from the Etihad and it's confines. Then they'll know what humiliation feels like as they have consistently tried to humiliate the club and it's good name.
The clear and obvious comeback from the hosts of the thick,uniformed,or just downright biased will be to claim bribery, government interference or deeper pockets for lawyers.

This isn't going to just all disappear with a not guilty verdict,the club,like it or not,will have some sort of tarnish attached for years.
Yup. All will work as intended. If we are cleared it will be because we bought off the panel, threw an army of lawyers at it, etc. even after that dies down we will be back to sportswashing. Clear and organised as some smart bloke once said
Doesn’t work. They wouldn’t have sent to a panel without thhiroughly investigating, etc. Even if the PL can’t make the charges stick they can tell their “stakeholders” they did the right thing and the panel let them down, etc. All of this is presentational and designed to head off super leagues, independent regulation, etc etc. all politic

There's only so much they could investigate without our involvement. They were looking at half the picture at most. Once they have the full picture they can say it's a different story and nothing to look at.
There's only so much they could investigate without our involvement. They were looking at half the picture at most. Once they have the full picture they can say it's a different story and nothing to look at.
It’s seized of the panel now so hard to do. I guess when the hearing opens the PL could say what you suggest and fall on their sword. But why would they? In for a penny in for a pound
Fingers crossed the info he has been given is correct. As for the zero ambiguity , I really hope that refers to City making it clear in a statement outlining what went on and what the judgement means once the matter is resolved , rather than a nondescript statement about being vindicated and having a judgement published which will essentially clear us of wrongdoing but allow others to twist it and omit the bits they don't like.

City's softly softly approach to those who did this in the aftermath of the CAS verdict was, in my opinion, a PR error and allowed the "They're still cheats " narrative to take root. I don't doubt for one minute that the narrative would still have arisen after these allegations but it wouldn't have had such a strong base to begin with and , had we pointed out some of these instances of inaccurate reporting in the beginning, may have led to a different mindset towards us in some quarters.
For that to happen it’ll be the PL that need to make the statement.
Whatever statement we issue will just be ignored, again.
Just like the CAS verdict they’ll read between the lines and believe what they want to believe anyway.
They can believe whatever they want just as long as we’re cleared.

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