PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Because there is a lack of trust.

Imagine you had beef with a company (OCP) that ran the police force because you didn’t get along with the executive chairman.

Now imagine the police came round to your house and demanded to search the property while you know you’ve done nothing wrong.

Imagine they then come out of the kitchen and started claiming the kettle you use is old enough to put your family and neighbours in mortal danger because the plug is a bit iffy.

If you start giving everyone free access, if someone really wants to find something, no matter the company, they will. It’s therefore better to take the pinch of not co-operating and let them produce any evidence they have themselves.
The old adage that if you have done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear is a big fat lie. See the post office scandal.
In our case, we know that UEFA leaked confidential stuff and no doubt competitive info went back to the redshirts directly.
Would you risk the Arse knowing our plans? Hence no co-operation in matters post 2018. I’ll happily pay the fine if Khaldoon explains this at the denoument.
Years ago a mate of mine was acting the fool when pissed. The local plod locked him in a police phone box (remember them?). When he woke up ,he wrecked the place whereupon plod came back and belted him. Mate sporting a shiner in the mags court, plod said…”whereupon he fell down hitting his face on the pavement.”
Ha ha.
Any strong private message from City at the moment may be based on confidence but it is also almost certainly part of our legal negotiation tactics with the PL. Neither side will want to incur more legal costs than they need to. It does seem clear that the PL are in a hole though because the negative leaks and press briefings from their side seem to have have dried up. I think that tells its own story.

I'm pushing the word cautious in "cautious optimistic" to the limit by this stage but that's just not what I see at all. Hence, today's piece by Syed. Yesterday Harris etc. I think we're in danger of reading into something which isn't happening simply because we want it to seem that way.
I for one believe the info from Tolmie,when I saw the PL woman getting all gooey with everyone handing out the medals on Sunday, I knew something afoot had occurred. Will be rinse and repeat on Saturday at Wembley from FA.
I was wondering who she was. If she is from the the prem it looked like she was proper kissing arse!
Never took the shine off for me, because I believe our chairman so the mancheaty stuff just rolled off my back as I was getting pissed enjoying yet another trophy.
I remember back in 2012, after the stress of the game there was the exhilaration of winning or first PL, enhanced by the drama of 93:20. In the days that followed, I read all the sports pages, and enjoyed all the praise bestowed on the team for that achievement.

That has gone now. I don't feel the need to look at the newspapers because I know what they will be like, generally. I miss reading the reflections of just how good we are.
Agreed. My feeling is that the PL must be looking for a way out which preserves their brand. I thought one option would be to kick the City fiasco to the new regulator but that is now up in the air because of the General Election. Labour have supported the Football Governance Bill up to now but may not regard it as a key priority when (if) they take over power. Either way Masters will lose his job. I think that is probably the real reason he didn't turn up at the Etihad. He must be actively seeking a new job as we speak and being booed by 54,000 people won't help him with his CV.

There's a "clear and obvious" way out for the PL which preserves the brand and makes them look decent regulators.

"Following the release of 6 or 7 edited emails out of over 3 million illegally obtained emails by a.hacker, there were legitimate concerns raised by PL members about how City were behaving.

We have spent a long time investigating these concerns and have raised them with City. As a result we can confirm that there are no issues, nothing untoward has been done and all rules have been followed. City have co-operated fully in our investigation, which will go no further, and we thank them for that co-operation."

Etc, etc "needed to check, very thorough investigation", etc
I'm pushing the word cautious in "cautious optimistic" to the limit by this stage but that's just not what I see at all. Hence, today's piece by Syed. Yesterday Harris etc. I think we're in danger of reading into something which isn't happening simply because we want it to seem that way.
Why does what Syed has written have any bearing on the likely outcome?
And, my friends, in this story you have a history of this entire movement. First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they build monuments to you. And that, is what is going to happen to the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America.

Did the monuments get built?
I remember back in 2012, after the stress of the game there was the exhilaration of winning or first PL, enhanced by the drama of 93:20. In the days that followed, I read all the sports pages, and enjoyed all the praise bestowed on the team for that achievement.

That has gone now. I don't feel the need to look at the newspapers because I know what they will be like, generally. I miss reading the reflections of just how good we are.

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