PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

It can’t be a blue. How many are on this forum with the same views as this **** hating our owners , how many on here are on other forums where blues reside with the same views hating our owners? I’d guarantee it’s next to zero, what are the chances then of one just joining a rag forum to slag City off?
About 25/1.
The conspiracy theory is the crazy bit, I hope?

You see it all the time on Twitter. Some arsehole posts something "based" on something and then everyone starts frothing at the mouth "if it's true". It's like there isn't the capacity for intelligent thought any more.

Now I think about it, though, the first 100 pages of this thread was full of "if this is true, we deserve to be relegated" posts. What was that about? It seems people rush to say anything at all these days without thinking first. Even City fans on a topic as serious as this one.
When I ran into Khaldoon in a bar in Boston he said: “Lump on us to get relegated, we are totally fucked by the PL’s smoking gun.” I asked what they had got, he said: “They can prove that I falsified all our accounts and that Mansour has paid for everything for the last 15 years. Now the Daily Fail is blackmailing me and I’ve nearly run out of money, so they will tell all next week.”
Naw, that was me pissed on a night out in Boston. I don't get into the city much any more. Anyway, I missed the Uber on the way home and fell into the Charles...;) It was nice meeting you all the same.

Was in Mary D’s having a pint at the weekend, Ricky Hatton was in there, I heard one of his hanger on mates say that the bar has been hired and booked out for November time for some 115 party,

He was most probably pissed up, have gotta say but Ricky comes across as a right see you next Tuesday, he is surrounded by idiots aswell,
He’s been sound any time I’ve ever seen him out and about
I do feel as an Arsenal supporter on here, you are genuinely trying your best to choose your wording carefully, but baring in mind our own particular bias/viewpoint, I do think you perhaps subliminally or unknown to yourself phrase things that can be seen as suggestive of guilt.

I would say, the PL getting this right, if their process is fair, shouldn’t exclude exoneration of City. The suggestion that if they don’t find us guilty, they have failed and they no longer have credible authority to govern the game, is a prejudice and a problem that the rest of the league have, or certainly influential members of the league and their support have.

Their processes are either fair or they’re not. Which is it.

I find the general implied presumption of guilt, well, understandable. What I find strange, is the lack of intelligence when trying to mask it.

For example, pretty much every pundit does it. When after clearly already having decided we are guilty and we are the ones stretching this out, they say something they think is 'nice'. Like, oh it is their fans I am thinking about here, they surely want this dealt with quickly. Or it is the players I feel for, they deserve this dealt with quickly to remove the 'cloud' (fuck off) over them.

That only works, if, you are starting from a position of presuming innocence. THEN, you can 'care' for the fans, or want players to have recognition. But if you are starting from a position of assuming guilt, which they continually show in no uncertain terms, then I'm sorry, this attempt to look considerate, is just dishonest posturing. And I actually hate it, more than when they imply guilt, because that I can almost forgive. Bias and stupidity, I can accept, the acting though, get fucked.

Neville does it often when he starts with 'I'm against ffp but, the rules need..' etc. That's like starting something racist with 'I have a black friend'.

And you are right, the post you reply does it too, attempts to 'mask' the bias which is evident elsewhere. Twats the lot of them.
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Actions speak louder than words. If it was purely bravado the north stand development would have been paused, we wouldn't have a £250m transfer kitty, we wouldn't be trying to tie down some of our superstars and manager to longer contracts, players like Haaland, Gvardiol etc wouldn't have come near us etc etc
More or less what I posted yesterday.
That filthy twat is a classic example of a certain type of City fan. (Probably football fans in general).
He hates it that ‘his’ club has become successful and seems to harbour a genuine dislike of City, and a true chip on his shoulder that City are no longer “the cool little brother” that everyone admires you for supporting.

Basically, he’s a ****. And if he’s reading this…you’re a **** mate. Not one of those red scum would spit on you if you were on fire if they ever become successful again.
They are using you and your extreme Stockholm syndrome as a means of coping with our domination and you’re loving it.

Didn’t mention he’s a ****? The very very worst type of one as well.
Uncle fucking Tom.

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