PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I won't read this magic hat person's latest post as he says it's 90 minutes worth of reading and at the end of the day at this point who knows what's true and what's not? A very intelligent person with a legal background could fabricate what looks like a cast iron case but it could be complete bollocks.

Surely if Der Spiegel or whoever had all this evidence sitting there they'd have released the fucking lot to UEFA straight away years ago? Why wait until we were cleared by CAS, grew more wealthy and successful and won the champions league? If the aim was to destroy us and they had everything there to do so why didn't they? Or could it be it's a load of bollocks? They don't but it keeps the saga running and ties us up in lengthy cases and damages our reputation?
We'll find out soon enough but this could be fatal for quite a few parties who lose the case, with enormous legal repercussions if it's us considering who our owner is.
'Magic hat' has put another thread on twitter this morning relating to our case including some hacked emails that weren't used at CAS.

Some of them do look like they could be an issue
Why people give some agenda driven anonymous internet nobody any time of day is completely beyond me. This is just what these people crave, clicks and links.

The Internet is stuffed full of so called experts who actually know bugger all. That's why they post anonymously, so they can't be called out or questioned especially when their " information" is nonsense.

People need to relax, completely ignore these fools and wait for the announcements and outcome from the PL and City. As far as I'm aware nothing has been concluded.

I might add, that it's people like this , supposed experts and in the knows on anything and everything on twitter that are the very reason I have avoided that social media forum. Life is way too short to waste time reading posts from someone who isn't confident enough to actually put his name to what he writes. Lol
'Magic hat' has put another thread on twitter this morning relating to our case including some hacked emails that weren't used at CAS.

Some of them do look like they could be an issue
Magic Hat is Nick Harris pretending to be an Aresenal fan. Someone blew his cover last week on X. He even engages in conversations with his alter ego, eg he compliments himself on the quality of his own work.
That thread reads absolutely horrible for us, particularly if (and it seems so) the emails are authentic and not doctored.
I am totally confident that we will be cleared of the vast majority of the charges, sure we will get saddled with a few for none co-operation and a fine but other than that i feel we will be cleared.

I just fail to see how they can prove that we have done anything wrong, the club state that we have irrefutable evidence to counter the charges. We have never swayed from this stance.

I have to admit that when the charges were raised a part of me suspected that they must have found a smoking gun somewhere, this being the case then surely there would have been some form of leak by now.
Likewise if we were bang to rights then I am sure we would have been trying to agree some form of settlement and trying to manage the narrative, instead we are spending money developing the stadium and infrastructure. Add in that our main sponsor is going public and opening up their accounts and all I can see is the club being extremely confident.

I feel there is a good chance of things developing over the coming weeks now that the season has ended, I can see a situation where the PL back down and stories to this effect start to be leaked.

Of course no matter if the charges are proven or not we will still be labelled as cheats.

There's no balance in reporting either, which doesn't help. I don't recall seeing a major news outlet discussing the impact on the Premier league if we were to be cleared, which surely is a very valid discussion point?

In reference to the emails, just because ways to circumvent FFP may have been discussed, does not mean they were implemented. Perhaps its wishful thinking, but in any business ideas are often discussed via email, before being vetoed offline, in meetings or over the phone. Who is to say the same didn't happen in this case. We've just got to keep the faith that having been cleared at CAS, we will see the same outcome here.
That thread reads absolutely horrible for us, particularly if (and it seems so) the emails are authentic and not doctored.
I wouldn't worry too much mate, City have stated they have irrefutable evidence which clears us, there have been thousands and thousands of people insisting we are guilty and yet, we don't even flinch. Lord Pannick, Cool hand Khaldoon at the club are steadfast reassuring players and investors we are innocent.
I'm going to believe them and the many of the knowledgeable contributors on here and in other places, we are in safe hands, lets keep backing them and the team and the others F*CK EM r kid.
Didn't Project River just describe Magic Hat's work as 'high quality'?

That doesn't sound like Nick Harris

It isn't Harris personally but let's just say it has his fingerprints all over it.

The emails look damning but I just don't see why Etihad and/or Etsilat would enter into fraudulent sponsorship agreements involving relatively modest sums in the general scheme of things.
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There's no balance in reporting either, which doesn't help. I don't recall seeing a major news outlet discussing the impact on the Premier league if we were to be cleared, which surely is a very valid discussion point?

In reference to the emails, just because ways to circumvent FFP may have been discussed, does not mean they were implemented. Perhaps its wishful thinking, but in any business ideas are often discussed via email, before being vetoed offline, in meetings or over the phone. Who is to say the same didn't happen in this case. We've just got to keep the faith that having been cleared at CAS, we will see the same outcome here.
Circumvent or loopholes which aren’t against the rules as Chelsea have been doing recently..
it’s up to the premier league to close any loopholes and if clubs have used or exploited them then tough luck ..
There's no balance in reporting either, which doesn't help. I don't recall seeing a major news outlet discussing the impact on the Premier league if we were to be cleared, which surely is a very valid discussion point?

In reference to the emails, just because ways to circumvent FFP may have been discussed, does not mean they were implemented. Perhaps its wishful thinking, but in any business ideas are often discussed via email, before being vetoed offline, in meetings or over the phone. Who is to say the same didn't happen in this case
. We've just got to keep the faith that having been cleared at CAS, we will see the same outcome here.

The content in at least some of the leaked emails seems to suggest we previously carried out the same suggested actions "as per previous quarter" etc.

Whilst that's not a cast iron proof of guilt in itself, wouldn't it swing the balance of probability in favour of the PL without a very plausible explanation of why these emails were written if they indeed were never carried out?

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