PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The content in at least some of the leaked emails seems to suggest we previously carried out the same suggested actions "as per previous quarter" etc.

Whilst that's not a cast iron proof of guilt in itself, wouldn't it swing the balance of probability in favour of the PL without a very plausible explanation of why these emails were written if they indeed were never carried out?
It had crossed my mind that it would be good if we had a plausible explanation for the emails and how e.g. someone pointed out that was not a good idea and plan Y was the more correct way of doing things rather than just saying there is no evidence this actually happened but I don't know enough about court proceedings to know if that would be realistic.
It had crossed my mind that it would be good if we had a plausible explanation for the emails and how e.g. someone pointed out that was not a good idea and plan Y was the more correct way of doing things rather than just saying there is no evidence this actually happened but I don't know enough about court proceedings to know if that would be realistic.
It's not court proceedings for starters.
How does he get access to new emails?
He/she/they doesn't.

I'm not on twitter anymore (it's a cesspit and really not worth anyone's precious time) but are they not the ones about Mancini, youth players and operation longbow (Fordham and image rights) which have been dealt with (at least Fordham & the youth player thing)?

Has anyone posted them on here?
There's no balance in reporting either, which doesn't help. I don't recall seeing a major news outlet discussing the impact on the Premier league if we were to be cleared, which surely is a very valid discussion point?

In reference to the emails, just because ways to circumvent FFP may have been discussed, does not mean they were implemented. Perhaps its wishful thinking, but in any business ideas are often discussed via email, before being vetoed offline, in meetings or over the phone. Who is to say the same didn't happen in this case. We've just got to keep the faith that having been cleared at CAS, we will see the same outcome here.
This is a good point. Some one asking questions about doing something isnt guilt in itself. I ask a questions to compliance periodically and sometimes im told @its ok” or “no go”. Doesnt mean we did anything about said questions. Also worth remembering the goal posts have moved continuously down the years. So what might sound bad today, may have been looked on differently back in 2015 or whatever year it was.

Without any response its half of a story. Jackanory
I am totally confident that we will be cleared of the vast majority of the charges, sure we will get saddled with a few for none co-operation and a fine but other than that i feel we will be cleared.

I just fail to see how they can prove that we have done anything wrong, the club state that we have irrefutable evidence to counter the charges. We have never swayed from this stance.

I have to admit that when the charges were raised a part of me suspected that they must have found a smoking gun somewhere, this being the case then surely there would have been some form of leak by now.
Likewise if we were bang to rights then I am sure we would have been trying to agree some form of settlement and trying to manage the narrative, instead we are spending money developing the stadium and infrastructure. Add in that our main sponsor is going public and opening up their accounts and all I can see is the club being extremely confident.

I feel there is a good chance of things developing over the coming weeks now that the season has ended, I can see a situation where the PL back down and stories to this effect start to be leaked.

Of course no matter if the charges are proven or not we will still be labelled as cheats.
Only by fuckin morons, so don't worry yourself.
A series of punishments put forward by Magic Hat for when we are found guilty of the biggest fraud in sporting history.

Stripped of all honours won during the ownership of SM.

Club to be expelled from the league until a forced change in ownership (quite who would buy it on that basis I've no idea).

Enormous fines to compensate other clubs who have been denied said honours.

That all.seens reasonable enough...
He/she/they doesn't.

I'm not on twitter anymore (it's a cesspit and really not worth anyone's precious time) but are they not the ones about Mancini, youth players and operation longbow (Fordham and image rights) which have been dealt with (at least Fordham & the youth player thing)?

Has anyone posted them on here?

The alleged rule breaches don't refer at all to youth players, unless I am very much mistaken. Which, of course, I may be.

So, really it's just Mancini and Fordham/ Toure/ image rights. Mancini is a nothing burger. So maybe it's all about the CAS issues that, I think, we all have a good handle on plus something on image rights. Don't know enough about the image right issues tbh. Not sure anyone does. Maybe some PL procedural stuff.

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