PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Hi Nick

Imagine arguing with yourself.

This appears to be the only subject this “journalist” seems to go on about, repeating the same old lines.

So he now seems to resent the completion from another one trick pony whose just reading others people work.
The wording used in most articles was 'uefa could appeal against the decision in the Swiss federal courts'.

What the mechanical intricacies of that are, I really won't pretend to know. But the logic stands, there was a route for them if they really were unhappy with it, and they chose not to pursue it.

They accepted the verdict. Others, including our own media, should too.
I think they were really unhappy about it but not on the grounds that they could appeal.

I sometimes worry that the CAS case wasn’t unanimous and just shows how errors can be easily made which is why settlements are often reached on even, what appears to be, a sure win.
We don’t know if our lawyers are doing anything. In fact us City fans know nothing at all about the case.

Some claim probably correctly that its a legal matter and the club won’t comment and / or why should idiots being given publicity. Some say confidently that things will be fine but they have no evidence of this.

5788 pages on this thread suggests that city fans are concerned. Silence from the club has aided a pile on from all directions as the cartel sees an opportunity.

Our owners have transformed our club for the better. We are hated and have this hanging over us because we are successful but I think their handling of the PR aspect is awful. If god forbid we lose the case it will be no good speaking out then.

I say this not because I am concerned about what the red lackeys in the media think but the effect on City fans. This has gone on too long.
You only need to remember one statement from our chairman;

"We have irrefutable evidence"

Nothing more needs to be said or even reply to the daily pile of garbage by the UK media's attack on the best run football club in the world.
They couldn't appeal the verdict, just the process if they felt CAS had abused due process. That's pretty well the same for us with the PL. There has to be very narrow and specific grounds for an appeal to the courts and Swiss Courts have rarely, if ever, gone against CAS.
They could easily have attempted to get leave to appeal/permission to appeal on the basis of many of the nonsense conspiracy theories. For example, misapplication of law, irregularities in the selection of the Panel, a decision that no sane Panel would have come to etc. They chose not to. I wonder why?

[Because they are all nonsense conspiracy theories]
You only need to remember one statement from our chairman;

"We have irrefutable evidence"

Nothing more needs to be said or even reply to the daily pile of garbage by the UK media's attack on the best run football club in the world.
That’s true but one member of CAS wasn’t convinced by it first time around for some reason. We won 2-1 rather than 3-0
They could easily have attempted to get leave to appeal/permission to appeal on the basis of many of the nonsense conspiracy theories. For example, misapplication of law, irregularities in the selection of the Panel, a decision that no sane Panel would have come to etc. They chose not to. I wonder why?

[Because they are all nonsense conspiracy theories]

We're dealing with schrodingers authorities.

They're simultaneously victims of our massive legal team that they can't compete with, in bed with us, and also trying everything to punish us.

There's otherwise (fairly) sensible people who genuinely think that City will bribe/pay off/blackmail/get political pressure to bail us out at the Independent hearing, but don't believe we could have just bribed/paid off/blackmailed/got political intervention to stp the investigation from happening in the first place or charges announced.
They could easily have attempted to get leave to appeal/permission to appeal on the basis of many of the nonsense conspiracy theories. For example, misapplication of law, irregularities in the selection of the Panel, a decision that no sane Panel would have come to etc. They chose not to. I wonder why?

[Because they are all nonsense conspiracy theories]
What do you think to Tolmie’s info that the belief at City is that this will be resolved this year rather than next?

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