PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

So Pinto has a massive file on us which he's kept hold of for 5 and a half years just for shits n giggles?! If he has any others they haven't been released because they don't contain anything incriminating.

These must be old quotes as the PL stopped its investigation in Feb 2023 when it charged us.

Also if the PL were asking to be provided with stolen emails they would be committing a crime.
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Welcome to the latest episode of “Smoking Gun” this week it is the turn of Rui Pinto’s lawyer claiming that he has it.

I am but a mere layman but what I don’t understand is if these new emails are so damning why weren’t these the ones released in the first place?!

I don’t believe anyone has a smoking gun of new emails like I don’t believe the club have a smoking gun on the premier league. It is just tribal people getting excited and using to claim victory early.
All of this shite is because the club had effectively no security on its IT systems and they didn't think 'what if some thick **** clicks on a link'.

Guess what? Some thick **** clicked on a link.

It's so frustrating as I reckon I could have done it with my Android tablet flashed with Kali Nethunter if Pinto could dump the entire database.
Rui Pinto is finished, done, if he released any morte hacked info on any subject he will spend a lot of time in jail.

This story is utter fantasy.

If our club knew he had anything on us we would have settled, this is simply noise and fear mongering.

Irrefutable evidence is all that matters.

Bloke's a crackpot, should have been admitted to Bellevue ages ago.

Portugal, soft on crime.


Yet to be published? More like yet to be doctored and corrupted to suit anybody with an anti City agenda.

These emails werre obtained by a fucking convicted thief. And they say we have no class and are corrupt. Well what does that make the likes of Rui Pinto and those who purchase (because he ain't doing it for free) and use those emails? It doesn't make them the fine upstainding law abiding people that they purpote to be, just nothing more than scum sucking cockroaches.
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Emails obtained by a fucking convicted thief. And they say we have no class and are corrupt. Well what does that make the likes of Rui Pinto and those who purchase (because he ain't doing it for free) those emails. Nothing more that cockroaches the lot of them.
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FWIW, I've heard recently - albeit indirectly - that we should be cleared of all the main charges but could get found guilty of the non cooperation charges which would be a fine but possibly also a small points deduction. I'll add that the points deduction doesn't make any sense to me because if we only get done for non cooperation then we've not gained a sporting advantage. I'm also not buying that we've not cooperated either - sure, we'll have dug our heels in on certain things but that doesn't necessarily equate to non cooperation - but perhaps this is City offering the PL a way out of the mess that is clearly of their own making and giving them a small win to quieten the red shirt cartel clubs.
How can that be determined when the hearing is still months away? This can only be someone's opinion, might be a valid one but that's as much as its is. With respect to the points deduction for non-cooperation I somewhat doubt the club will accept that, in fact Khaldoon has said in the past we wont take a "pinch" again and to offer the PL away out, why? In point of fact any punishment will be decided by the judges and the only way out for the PL would be to drop the charges
Welcome to the latest episode of “Smoking Gun” this week it is the turn of Rui Pinto’s lawyer claiming that he has it.

I am but a mere layman but what I don’t understand is if these new emails are so damning why weren’t these the ones released in the first place?!

I don’t believe anyone has a smoking gun of new emails like I don’t believe the club have a smoking gun on the premier league. It is just tribal people getting excited and using to claim victory early.
Presumably Der Spiegl publlshed what they considered the most damning emails on City but the content of them was totally discredited by CAS.

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