PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Like most people on here i hope and believe that our owners have done everything within the rules and that we will be fine when the hearing takes place, I think it is naive to the extreme to think that we havent been creative in our accounting at times (like every business) but this doesnt mean we have committed fraud.

I do however entertain doubts from time to time, when i do i just go onto youtube and look at the drone footage of the work taking place on the stadium. I cant see a situation where this work is undertaken if the club thought we were in any danger of significant punishment. There seems to have been a sea change of late and people are waking up to what is really happening.

Nope, not me.

I hope we’ve completely shattered the rules but covered our tracks so well that there’s absolutely nothing anyone can do about it.
My own view is that it is likely to be a huge points penalty introduced during next season or the 25/26 season. Probably enough to relegate us to the Championship but definitely sufficient to knock us out of Europe. I just don't think they will attempt to relegate us into oblivion.
A huge points penalty? For what? Get a grip man...
I do t know if there is evidence to back up the 115. I have stated that I think we will win the case but I must assume that despite everything said on here the authorities may not have wasted the last six years and believe they can convince the Panel that the charges are valid. Now if we lose the case we might be fucked regardless of whether you and I and thousands of other Blues think.I am not involved in the process obviously so I can't predict what will happen. Again I will state that I hope we win and win well
You are still not saying what you think we are guilty of in your punishment scenario. “115” doesn’t cut it, you have to disaggregate otherwise it’s just bunkum. Given the size of your putative punishment you must be thinking of those charges which rely on the PL showing we have falsified our accounts. So the PL wouldn’t spend six years chasing a chimera, you say. Thus you are implying a massive conspiracy of the club, its auditors, the sponsors and their auditors and total failure of due diligence by Silver Lake. It is just so much less likely than the PL giving in to pressure from the redshirts as the alternative explanation for the PLs pursuit.
Khaldoon and Soriano are both on record as saying it is bullshit. Are they among the people you branded as stupid for coming to the conclusion that we will be cleared? Or do you think we will get a massive points deduction for the Fordham business? Or not cutting the grass? Frankly you have not analysed anything, you have just come up with a shout. That’s ok, but don’t paint yourself as the only person to think seriously about the issue.
You are still not saying what you think we are guilty of in your punishment scenario. “115” doesn’t cut it, you have to disaggregate otherwise it’s just bunkum. Given the size of your putative punishment you must be thinking of those charges which rely on the PL showing we have falsified our accounts. So the PL wouldn’t spend six years chasing a chimera, you say. Thus you are implying a massive conspiracy of the club, its auditors, the sponsors and their auditors and total failure of due diligence by Silver Lake. It is just so much less likely than the PL giving in to pressure from the redshirts as the alternative explanation for the PLs pursuit.
Khaldoon and Soriano are both on record as saying it is bullshit. Are they among the people you branded as stupid for coming to the conclusion that we will be cleared? Or do you think we will get a massive points deduction for the Fordham business? Or not cutting the grass? Frankly you have not analysed anything, you have just come up with a shout. That’s ok, but don’t paint yourself as the only person to think seriously about the issue.
You are still not saying what you think we are guilty of in your punishment scenario. “115” doesn’t cut it, you have to disaggregate otherwise it’s just bunkum. Given the size of your putative punishment you must be thinking of those charges which rely on the PL showing we have falsified our accounts. So the PL wouldn’t spend six years chasing a chimera, you say. Thus you are implying a massive conspiracy of the club, its auditors, the sponsors and their auditors and total failure of due diligence by Silver Lake. It is just so much less likely than the PL giving in to pressure from the redshirts as the alternative explanation for the PLs pursuit.
Khaldoon and Soriano are both on record as saying it is bullshit. Are they among the people you branded as stupid for coming to the conclusion that we will be cleared? Or do you think we will get a massive points deduction for the Fordham business? Or not cutting the grass? Frankly you have not analysed anything, you have just come up with a shout. That’s ok, but don’t paint yourself as the only person to think seriously about the issue.

Tbf to the guy, he was just responding to another guy who thought the sanction if we were to be found guilty could be relegation, by saying even if we were found guilty it is more likely, in his opinion, to only be a points deduction. Not sure he deserves to be getting all the abuse he is getting.

Other than to say, I had hoped all these "if the club is guilty, they deserve this or that sanction" discussions would have stopped after the first hundred pages of this thread when more knowledgeable posters had explained just how difficult it will be to prove these allegations. I get that lawyers can't be definitive due to their professional reputation and the "you never know" nature of legal cases. But I don't have that problem. There isn't a snowflake's chance in hell the PL can prove the filing erroneous accounts allegations, imho. Not a chance.
I do t know if there is evidence to back up the 115. I have stated that I think we will win the case but I must assume that despite everything said on here the authorities may not have wasted the last six years and believe they can convince the Panel that the charges are valid. Now if we lose the case we might be fucked regardless of whether you and I and thousands of other Blues think.I am not involved in the process obviously so I can't predict what will happen. Again I will state that I hope we win and win well
Your original post did rather more than postulate that the authorities had not wasted their time. It put forward the Jordanesque theory that City had, in fact, only been acquitted by CAS because evidence which did exist had not been produced, and that this evidence is convincing. Thus our accounts are fraudulent. Do you really believe this? Do you really entertain the possibility?
Nope, not me.

I hope we’ve completely shattered the rules but covered our tracks so well that there’s absolutely nothing anyone can do about it.
I have a certain sympathy with your attitude but on the whole I hope that our club has shown the cartel that it doesn't matter what rules they try to introduce City will always come out on top because we just do things better - we win by doing things "the City way".

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