PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Fuck I have been following that thread - along with the one on RAWK - so far up their own arses these people - and totally delusional

This one from sadcafe made me chuckle earlier:

100% them and owners like them are a cancer on football. They've no interest in the sport or football fans. It's all just part of some selfish sportwashing enterprise. Mobs like that should have never been allowed into football in the first place.

CITY's owners a cancer on football!!!??? - they put 100s of £millions in the club and community - the Yank owners leech £millions out of the game every year
That OldSchoolManc is one of the bitterest cunts ever to populate that forum. He's also a clueless twat on literally every football related topic. Best one was when he started a thread about Pep and Rainbow Laces, calling our manager a hypocrite because he didn't call out alleged human rights abuses in Abu Dhabi at the same time he bigged up Rainbow Laces. OldSchoolWanc said "I'm not standing for this" as if the wider world actually gives a flying fuck what some mouth-breathing prick on Rag Cafe is spouting!
I agree. I’d just love them to tell us why they think the penalties should be so severe for creative accounting (personally I don’t even believe us to be guilty of creative accounting)
Rival fans in wanting draconian punishments for City shocker! I wouldn't get too hung up about it mate. No doubt if the boot was on the other foot, plenty of our own fans would be demanding the same
You must have missed my post from the other day. We can only go off past charges of non co-operation and there's only been one, Evertons. They were found guilty of it and were given a 4 point penalty deduction for it. Remember the commission said in the Everton's case that a financial penalty is not appropriate for rich teams only sporting sanctions will be considered (sounds like discrimination if you ask me). That was for Everton imagine how rich they consider City to be. Everton managed to get the 4 points back on appeal due to not actually being charged for it in the first place. This was a major fuck up from the Premier League and the original commission but I question whether they did this for preparation for our case (tin foil hat stuff maybe). So make no mistake about it if we're found guilty on the non coperation charges we will be deducted points it's just a question of how many.
My (mis)understanding is that the charges for non co-operation were regarding some paperwork which was above and beyond information which City had to provide.
So I don't expect any fines, points deductions or relegations to ensue.
I also expect costs to be paid by the PL and various detractors to be sued for defamation.
I also expect the media at the forefront of the persecution of our great club to issue grovelling apologies.
(One can but dream.....)
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Rival fans in wanting draconian punishments for City shocker! I wouldn't get too hung up about it mate. No doubt if the boot was on the other foot, plenty of our own fans would be demanding the same
Again, I agree. I’d just like the morons who state they want us hung drawn and quatered would explain why they want such severe punishments, and what do they base it on. Its akin for them demanding the death penalty for stealing a bar of chocolate.
Rival fans in wanting draconian punishments for City shocker! I wouldn't get too hung up about it mate. No doubt if the boot was on the other foot, plenty of our own fans would be demanding the same
I am, the amounts being talked about for the city alleged misdemeanours are pifflingly small compared to the bare faced corruption of United’s £40m ‘special’ covid leeway, along with the £35m ‘special’ buyout leeway, saving them from massively breaching PSR and getting hefty fines and points deductions as per the going rates applied to Everton et al.

Nb: the obvious point that the red loons are wanting our executive team hung drawn and quartered, just keep entirely glossing over that their new CEO would be picked up in it all
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It all went wrong blues. I’m in Sligo, Southern Ireland. Watched city beat the chavs with a load of red cunts. The night went on, ffp this and that which was taken in good spirit eventhough I despise the fuckers. Cheering every Chelsea chance.

I drunk my way through the night with a decent band on after the win but some red rag wanker wouldn’t let it go and it ended up with him getting pubch in the face and now I’m sitting beside the garda here sobering up with a ripped city shirt.

Fuck the cunts. Calling Fergie a horse face wanker probably pushed it over the edge lol.

Anyway waiting to go home haha.

Come on city
hahah chewing gum Horse face wanker

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