PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Bookies just copy the Betfair exchange, rarely will you find odds bigger at the Bookies then the exchange and if you do it won’t last long.
There is software available that will show you arbs between bookies and exchanges, below is a small sample of what's available right now. If you take these value bets though your account won't last very long, the exception being price boosts where we intentionally offer higher odds.

I'm a betting trader, we don't set the odds you do by choosing which outcome to put your money on. The more money that goes on a particular outcome the lower the odds of that outcome becomes. It has to be that way because we work on something called an overround, essentially this means the odds are adjusted so whatever the actual outcome is we make the same profit.
The difference in odds of us winning the league and being relegated are irrelevant because those two markets are independent of each other.
The true odds of a market are more indicative at betting exchanges where the odds are set by traders buying and selling each side of the market at a price others are willing to accept (in much the same way stocks are bought and sold).
If you look at the trades for the two markets you mention you will see that they are not that dissimilar to the odds at the bookies.
The truth of it is that if we were 2000/1 we would have taken on a lot more liability than we have, people would have then layed off their bets at the exchange for a huge profit and currently be sunning themselves on their private island in the Caribbean!
Also a trader. Nobody got on at those huge odds in the high street bookies nevr mind the exchanges. Without using the tools to do so and check, what do you think the biggest bet was placed on City to be relegated on betfair at say over 25/1?
If you look at the Red Cafe thread on this it is startling. Apparently we are media darlings and can't be criticised. Like WTF. Most posters have no idea of the substance of the charges, but are convinced of guilt. When we are cleared it's really going to sting for them.
Slight edit ;-)
That is all something over nothing. What we need to understand is we have to work with the Premier League. It will not benefit our owners to make things too toxic. Our owners know what they are doing. Comments coming out on social media are just noise. With the greatest of respect the majority of people know f""k all about what is going on. It would have been better for everyone concerned that this case didn't come into the public knowledge. The media were only helping themselves when they pushed for it to be released. We are all going to have to sit back and wait to see what happens. As ever, speculation will always be the enemy of calm.
When's your party ?

Remind me to miss it !!
Arabs hire Jewish Lawyer... City breaking down race barriers - can negotiate Gaza ceasefire when he has seen off puppet Masters ;)
Following the signing of the Abraham Accords, the relationship and trade twixt UAE & Israel is excellent and growing exponentially.

There are Jewish communities, Synagogues and Kosher food shops across Dubai and ADB.

The common 'threat' in the region is Iran which is directly across the Straits of Hermuz from UAE, less than 60 miles !!
I see Jordan is turning into prime Martin Samuel. How embarrassing for him after the bollocks he has spouted for so many years.

Tbf, he said he was wrong and was naive and he now feels PSR (as it is) isn't achieving any good for the game. He also says the PL needs leadership to decide what it wants financial regulation to achieve and how.

On YouTube as part of @slbsn 's talks this morning. He must have been reading Bluemoon :)
SJ has quietly been re-positioning himself for quite some time now.
"It's also interesting how some presenters have recently begun calling City (through gritted teeth no doubt) "the best team in the country".....
That is all something over nothing. What we need to understand is we have to work with the Premier League. It will not benefit our owners to make things too toxic. Our owners know what they are doing. Comments coming out on social media are just noise. With the greatest of respect the majority of people know f""k all about what is going on. It would have been better for everyone concerned that this case didn't come into the public knowledge. The media were only helping themselves when they pushed for it to be released. We are all going to have to sit back and wait to see what happens. As ever, speculation will always be the enemy of calm.
I accept your point about being calm and ignoring the noise but this legal battle is certainly not “something over nothing.”

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