PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

It's basically an estimate that the KC's have cleared their diaries for.
We don't know to what extent the written submissions from both parties have shaped the hearing. So have they been exchanged between just us and the PL? or has Rosen/the IC seen them ? Im sure in criminal cases the prosecution have to state what evidence they posess to trigger a hearing. We don't know if any pre hearing judgements have been made. For example, there were rumours about some charges being time barred and out of scope of the hearing. That may just be wishful thinking by us. There's also been rumours that our written submissions (hopefully our irrefutable evidence) are so extensive they caused the delay in the start. As a lay person I find it hard to believe the IC will only clap eyes on the submissions on day one of the hearing,

Would welcome a legal expert to chip in if I have spouted total garbage.
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We don't know to what extent the written submissions from both parties have shaped the hearing. So have they been exchanged between just us and the PL? or has Rosen/the IC seen them ? Im sure in criminal cases the prosecution have to state what evidence they posess to trigger a hearing. We don't know if any pre hearing judgements have been made. For example, there were rumours about some charges being time barred and out of scope of the hearing. That may just be wishful thinking by us. There's also been rumours that our written submissions (hopefully our irrefutable evidence) are so extensive they caused the delay in the start. As a lay person I find it hard to believe the IC will only clap eyes on the submissions on day one of the hearing,

Would welcome a legal expert to chip if I have spouted total garbage.
In criminal cases it’s called a pre trial review
Given the respective starts City and the rags have had to the season, I'm expecting the media bile regarding the pending case to ramp up considerably during the international break. Manchester City - the excuse for the failure of others.
I'm expecting some announcement in relation to the action we have taken against the premier league next week now that we are in an international break and the transfer window has closed. If that largely goes in our favour then I expect the speculative reporting on the 115 charges to ramp up, reaching a crescendo just before the Arse game
Fantastic post on Sadcafe today. Wonder whose borrowed his brain cell today? Can you imagine someone who helps major European Clubs find owners hanging out and gossiping with someone of this intellect?

“They killed a journalist and they cooked the books at city. They’ve spent billions on their city sportswashing project, they’d do and are doing whatever they need to do to legitimise their affairs.

As I’ve said already, I’ve a friend whose job is actually helping major European clubs find owners. So he has a lot of contacts within the football world. He has said, straight out, that it’s no secret in football circles , that the people involved in the case against city are being intimidated in different ways, one being them being followed home. So it’s happening.

It’s also very easy to twist a narrative , particularly if you have the kind of funds these criminals have to play with.”
So it’s no secret in footballing circles that City are intimidating those involved in the case, yet it seems no fucker has bothered reporting this alleged intimidation to the police!

I’ve read some horseshit down the years but that’s right up there with the best of them. I’d like to know where the fuck is the moderating on that site if they’re leaving posts like that up. I’m a member on there, although I can’t be arsed posting these days but the moderating is normally very good. I got a bit of a ticking off once for daring to say that that **** Gaydamak who almost destroyed Pompey was a bent fucker (which he was), yet people are saying far worse on the City charges thread and the moderating appears to be non-existent.
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Long time lurker,very occasional poster. I read this thread once or twice a week for updates ( OK hourly but don't tell my wife....) and there is a question I haven't seen an answer to. Might of missed it.

Someone has put aside a number of weeks for this 'case' . Does that mean someone has read everything and decided there is a case to answer or is there a possibility that after a couple of days it is decided there is no case to answer and they all go home ?

I think we should be clear that there Is a case to answer. That is one thing Jordan has always got right. The leaked emails on their own seem to show that things may not have been as they should have been. So there is a case to answer. CAS said so and the PL panel will say so.

By the way, some of those emails are so carelessly written using terms and explanations that should never have been, that they reflect pretty badly on the people who wrote them, even if what is alleged never happened. I hope after being hacked, twice, the senior people at the club are more careful about what they say and how they say it these days.

Anyway, to your point, there is a case to be answered and it will be answered by the club putting the emails into context and showing what really happened, with witness statements from people who actually made it happen rather than the PL's interpretation of what they think may have happened. Much like at CAS.

If you want some comfort, think of the appeal at CAS. The club appealed 4 years of charges for Etihad and 2 years of charges for Etisalat. 6 charges (in PL language) took three days. On that basis, 120 charges should take 20 times as long, or 60 days, or 12 weeks. That is a pretty simplistic analysis, of course, but the length of time being put aside is more a consequence of the PL making this all so complicated than a real indication of the weight of each side's evidence. Imho.

As usual, may all be bollocks.
It does knock my confidence - the way this is so casually mentioned/accepted, yet when people express a concern that the same thing could happen again - those concerns are so casually dismissed.

Surely the only 'evidence' of such matters we have is what has happened before?

Because of this 'convention' we have had years of the 'red-masses' bemoaning that we were allowed to get away on a technicality and that we appointed 2 of the judges. That narrative has been so effective it has become fact in so many peoples eyes.

Not sure what the problem is. If the same thing happens again, the PL loses its case.

As far as the PL is concerned, we do have some evidence of how their verdicts are reached. We have the verdicts on last year's PSR cases, for example. The confidence you should have is from the legal people on here saying they themselves have confidence in the process, having reviewed all these previous PL verdicts and from their professional knowledge and experience.

I don't know what more can be said to help. The legal guys on here, who know what they are talking about, say they have confidence in the process. That's good enough for me.
The Confused Celtic Utd woman on talkshite was on with someone just after 05.00 saying the reason City have not done much incoming business in the window is because we are preparing for a big punishment.Thats it then we are fucked what organization lets its mouthpieces spout this type of shit.
Not confused.....

deliberate malicious, groundless lying !!

Needs 'a visit' !!

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