PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

What does that mean ?
Well this conspiracy (and that what it is) to cause terminal reputational damage to the brand Manchester City FC and ADUG as party to it is like saying Mcdonalds use minced cat meat from Vietnam in their burgers. If unsubstantiated the accuser would be bankrupted. Our response if muted will be interpreted as guilt.
But come on mate , back in 1912 we weren’t under the watchful , envious eye of the red brigade , something really stinks about this , it’s either the white paper , or it’s the eventual super league - because it’s going to happen, it reeks of corruptness , and has done since the day we were taken over - more so when we won the league, even more so again since Pep took charge. It’s fucked , make no mistake about it - we are cheats in every single persons eyes in football.
Which makes winning every title and trophy all the more sweeter.

I don't need validation from other clubs' fans to gain appreciation or acknowledgment from the clubs achievements.
No such thing as bad publicity apparently
ate, so that all depends on what the judgement says.
If we pursue a line that the PL is not acting in good faith, and persuade the panel, it could be devastating for the PL.

I have no idea who you support but we're veterans of this since the takeover. We know fully who are against us and why and it's possible you support one of the guilty party, because trust me they are guilty of trying to bring us down.

A question for you. Do you honestly believe every other club in the premier league has complied fully with the rules and not tried to bend them a little or been a little vague on their sponsorships or incomings? That's not an admission we have, but trust me if we have every other club has.
As for honesty and rules you do know one of the main drivers of the vendetta against us, Liverpool, were found guilty of hacking our database and settled out of court by paying us a million pounds don't you? See that information is out there but conveniently brushed under the carpet by the media. I'm sure if these clubs had the same scrutiny we have endured a lot more would come to light.
That was stated on radio5 live Nicky Campbell show today by an expert that lpool hacked city's scouting network database & had to pay a fine of 1m lol!
Newcastle fans better get ready for the bullsh1t we have had to put up with since our fantastic owners came to the club .
Mark my words it will be your turn next from certain horrible greedy clubs !
I think you should have reasonable faith in the 3 man panel. They are going to be very serious career lawyers and judges who have bigger concerns than their own football fandom and know their work is likely going to be reviewed by one of the highest courts in the land and have a lot of public scrutiny.

It's similar to the CAS panel, not UEFA's kangaroo hearing.

I have to agree here, but why on earth would they want to even have to consider conflict of interest.
Lord Panic is defending us £80,000 pounds a day nice if you can get it if this drags out over years that’s a lot of dough, what I want to ask is if we win the case can we claim his fees back from the fa
I’m not a lawyer but why not ?
That itself is a fucking brilliant move from city by hiring him.
I would love Khaldoon to come out fighting. I have wished he had a much higher profile for years. But I really think this is the time to be cautious. It is just too risky to go public. I think City's best strategy is to be very proactive behind closed doors, especially with media outlets who publish damaging and unfair content. We need to be robust and relentless in defending our position privately but a video could backfire.
This quote springs to mind :

"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself"​

Khaldoon might be taking this approach. Let them all spew their bile. There is not much he can do to stop this shit anyway.

Simply Have Lawyers keeping Notes and pick them all off later.

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