PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

It's not stat padding, per se. The UEFA charges are a logical consequence of breaching the "filing true and fair accounts" rules. As are the FFP charges. The good thing about that, though, is that the consequential allegations all fall away if the PL can't prove the primary allegations, primarily on sponsorship, especially Etihad. Which I doubt they will be able to do.
But they are truly irrelevant - who cares in the context of a finding of 10 years of false accounts if we breached a UEFA licence application
To be fair, following my exchange with Stefan yesterday, I read back through a whole lot of pages where the point (re)occurs, and I (having earlier argued otherwise) can see that he at no point claimed no appeals. In fact he argued the opposite, but specific to no appeals to higher courts, cas, when a few posters challenged it but under the presumption he meant no appeals.

But from then on it branches into people claiming no appeals, and later attributing that claim to Stefan, and people arguing it, as if they are arguing something he said. There are too many posts to requote, and it is a consequential perception gone wrong.

You can take the time to do it yourself, or you can trust that I did, you will likely end up with the same conclusion.

Stefan didn't claim no appeals at all, just the differnce between going to higher courts (and even that he said there was a possibility but a slim one if the procedure wasn't followed).
Thanks for clarifying that.
Lets rewind "You definitely have suggested no appeals possible. Amongst others I’ve suggested to you that there could be. But your view then was definitively not."

So you do still say I said no appeals despite posting me saying there is a PL appeal?

So of course you are doubling down.

Of course, I go on from my point about the High Court to suggest a challenge to the Supreme Court is near impossible. Because it is and yes it would have meant things have gone horribly wrong for City - it would have meant:
a) City had been found in breach of substantive charges
b) City would have failed in the PL appeal
c) City would have failed under Rule X of the PL rules to challenge some part of the PL process
d) City would have failed in the HC to challenge the jurisdiction of the PL arbitration
e) City would have failed (if they got there) in the Court of Appeal to challenge the HC decision referred to in d)
f) City would have needed CoA leave to appeal to the Supreme Court.

As for your apparent new point (unrelated to me never saying no appeals) is that I am wrong to say there are no COURT appeals. And you do this with some creative argument that an arbitration panel could never assess civil fraud and therefore, all of the Club's agreement with the Premier League is unenforceable.

The problem with this is that the Club aren't arguing it themselves. They have clearly accepted the PLs jurisdiction because a hearing on those points commences on Monday (allegedly). So not only are those arguments likely hopeless, City's window for running them has gone.

So lets be clear - I have never said no appeals but I have said the path to the Courts is very difficult and would have meant a very bad outcome at the IC/Appeal. I also do not see a route to the Courts to hear the substantive allegations - the Courts will be asked only to consider the rules of the Premier League in the highly unlikely scenario you suggest.

Annoyed with myself for even replying but this should clear up the nonsense in your original post and give people some colour on a potentially relevant worst case.
Thanks I appreciate the time you took in replying and happy to accept the above and what @Coatigan has said along same lines. Memories fade and I’m always happy to admit when I’m wrong.

I’m sorry your feel attacked or otherwise. Not my intention
We would never win any PR war. We have literally zero publications, online media, journos or reporters willing to see our side of the argument - so trying to be more public would probably have backfired.

What would be the point of repeating ‘irrefutable evidence’ every few weeks.

The PL have remained fairly silent - the leaks and commentary has come from other clubs and officials and the usual suspects. Nothing can be done about that.

PR won’t sway the IC and it’s about to start so we all need to buckle up.
It’s the constant bombardment from the media filth for me Day after day and as already pointed out not one of them can change the narrative to ,What if City are clean ? I think they’re trying to get to Pep an the players all the time on purpose to try and derail them Not worked up to now though has it Cnuts Cmon City, cmon Pep
Do you not find it interesting, when people say they have noticed a small shift in perception towards the case, ffp/psr, the league etc. Do you not fond it interesting if you yourself notice this shift.

Many high profile court cases, often come with a bit of a PR war for the court of public opinion on the side.

Yet all this time since the first statement on thecharges, City as a club have said absolutely nothing. Not commented, not engaged, not refuted or challenging vsrious spurious claims and stories. Pep has said a thing or two when asked, but more in tone than words, which have always been ultimately 'wait and see'.

So the PL have a free run at a one sided PR war here, with the media and punters saying whatever they feel like.

Yet somehow, perception still seems to be shifting. The club are saying nothing, the media all follow a script, and the PL are still managing to come off looking worse than when this started. At the very least,the script has become tedious.

Maybe their silent approach isn't that bad after all.

Real gangsters always move in silence.
Thanks for clarifying that.
One thing the media are constantly salivating about is the chance City could be expelled from the Premier League and in effect become cut adrift from all leagues and forced into liquidation. That’s the absolute dream outcome for our enemies. As someone who has watched us in the lower leagues, a relegation from the Premier League wouldnt be the end of the world, but how likely do you think a total expulsion from the league is? Is it even a real possibility?
It’s the constant bombardment from the media filth for me Day after day and as already pointed out not one of them can change the narrative to ,What if City are clean ? I think they’re trying to get to Pep an the players all the time on purpose to try and derail them Not worked up to now though has it Cnuts Cmon City, cmon Pep
It had completely the opposite effect, sadly for them. :).

Look how we did after Pep’s first press conference after the charges were announced.

He played a blinder that day and galvanised fans and players alike.
One thing the media are constantly salivating about is the chance City could be expelled from the Premier League and in effect become cut adrift from all leagues and forced into liquidation. That’s the absolute dream outcome for our enemies. As someone who has watched us in the lower leagues, a relegation from the Premier League wouldnt be the end of the world, but how likely do you think a total expulsion from the league is? Is it even a real possibility?

There’s more chance of me being expelled from Emma Bunton’s anus because she cannot handle any more pleasure.

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