PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

One thing the media are constantly salivating about is the chance City could be expelled from the Premier League and in effect become cut adrift from all leagues and forced into liquidation. That’s the absolute dream outcome for our enemies. As someone who has watched us in the lower leagues, a relegation from the Premier League wouldnt be the end of the world, but how likely do you think a total expulsion from the league is? Is it even a real possibility?
Expulsion just means relegation in all practical reality although I guess potentially they could block the re-entry for more than x years. Everything else is nonsense.
One thing the media are constantly salivating about is the chance City could be expelled from the Premier League and in effect become cut adrift from all leagues and forced into liquidation. That’s the absolute dream outcome for our enemies. As someone who has watched us in the lower leagues, a relegation from the Premier League wouldnt be the end of the world, but how likely do you think a total expulsion from the league is? Is it even a real possibility?
Can't see the football league (run by FA) passing up a golden goose. This will be a reality for a number of weeks until the appeal reverses a shame of PL stewardship (Leicester had to appeal meaning I have zero trust in a just verdict from the IP).
I'm really struggling to understand why we're being charged by the Premier League for failing UEFA FFP rules when we'd already agreed on a fine and restrictions on the squad going back years ago. Why aren't the Dippers being charged as they would have failed UEFA FFP one year but weren't in Europe so they got away with it.
Weird that isn't it. We have not been found guilty of breaking UEFA rules and yet are being charged by the PL for breaching them, whilst United were sanctioned by UEFA for breaching UEFA rules, yet have not been charged by the PL for doing so. Note, the PL has a rule which says PL clubs are not allowed to break UEFA rules.
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Expulsion just means relegation in all practical reality although I guess potentially they could block the re-entry for more than x years. Everything else is nonsense.
Think this is what United are hoping for, then they can build their new stadium and re-establish dominance with us gone for 12 years.
How many lost their jobs at UEFA?

The PL will come out with a statement similar to the Leicester one, "We are disappointed that the panel didn't find in our favour and we still believe that the charges were the correct way to proceed. However, in this case, we will abide by the panel's ruling"
UEFA dispensed with the services of Leterme and completely changed the way they handle allegations of ffp breaches. So our case had an effect.
Do you not find it interesting, when people say they have noticed a small shift in perception towards the case, ffp/psr, the league etc. Do you not fond it interesting if you yourself notice this shift.

Many high profile court cases, often come with a bit of a PR war for the court of public opinion on the side.

Yet all this time since the first statement on thecharges, City as a club have said absolutely nothing. Not commented, not engaged, not refuted or challenging vsrious spurious claims and stories. Pep has said a thing or two when asked, but more in tone than words, which have always been ultimately 'wait and see'.

So the PL have a free run at a one sided PR war here, with the media and punters saying whatever they feel like.

Yet somehow, perception still seems to be shifting. The club are saying nothing, the media all follow a script, and the PL are still managing to come off looking worse than when this started. At the very least,the script has become tedious.

Maybe their silent approach isn't that bad after all.
This is sort of a good post but in another way I disagree. It has been hugely noticeable that City appear to have done absolutely nothing to influence the narrative on this one. Obviously I’m not talking about anything public, but there are ways and means of putting options out there through other sources. Pep is of course the biggest voice but we have journalists and punters who can spin an alternative dialogue.

You’re dead right that in that vacuum we have lost the PR war but that makes me worry that there’s such a clamour to find us guilty that any panel will almost feel duty bound to punish us in some way, whatever that is. Total exoneration will cause a massive outcry.
This is sort of a good post but in another way I disagree. It has been hugely noticeable that City appear to have done absolutely nothing to influence the narrative on this one. Obviously I’m not talking about anything public, but there are ways and means of putting options out there through other sources. Pep is of course the biggest voice but we have journalists and punters who can spin an alternative dialogue.

You’re dead right that in that vacuum we have lost the PR war but that makes me worry that there’s such a clamour to find us guilty that any panel will almost feel duty bound to punish us in some way, whatever that is. Total exoneration will cause a massive outcry.
Can you really see the panel sitting round discussing the case and one of them says: ‘We will have to find City guilty of something otherwise the redshirts will get mad.’?

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