PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Unsurprisingly, the press and the rabid morons are salivating over the possibility that City will be found guilty of the main charges and that we will be removed from the PL. However, what about what will happen to the PL if their charges are not proven? Why haven't the press done a specific article that speculates what will happen to the board at the PL etc etc and whether there is likely to be a mutiny from the red cartel and the possibility of violent repercussions from the rabid morons? Now there's a story to report on. Anyone interested? Maybe the Biggleswade Chronicle will run with this first. I won't hold my breath though. The press is run by moronic red cartel fans who remember the good old days.
The red cartel plus Spuds should be more concerned about a mutiny from the mainly blue clubs. Because the Premier League has been around for 32 years they act like they are the custodians of the game, when in fact they were created by money grubbing greedy spivs who wanted more for them and less for everyone else, aka the so called big five. When we are cleared of the more egregious allegations I think a split is inevitable. I also expect the rags with their new ex City leaders will come down on our side to dig them out of their financial mess.
Can you really see the panel sitting round discussing the case and one of them says: ‘We will have to find City guilty of something otherwise the redshirts will get mad.’?
It’s not just the “redshirts” as you call them, is it? It’s pretty much the whole football world. These people know what is at stake here. I’m not saying that they will find us guilty on all counts for no reason but I’m saying that they may well feel they have to punish us for something or the whole thing has been a waste of time and money.
Weird that isn't it. We have not been found guilty of breaking UEFA rules and yet are being charged by the PL for breaching them, whilst United were sanctioned by UEFa for breaching UEFA rules, yet have not been charged by the PL for doing so. Note, the PL has a rule which says PL clubs are not allowed to break UEFA rules.

Can this clear favouritism of rags be used to point out this bent pl charges ?

I am OK with City being charged no problem at all. But I am really fucking angry that's it's only City. Rags have clearly broken both UEFA and pl regs. UEFA gave them a slap on the wrist, pl done a deal with them breaking the pl regs and ignored the UEFA fine.

I don't understand why forest, Everton, villa, Newcastle, aren't kicking up a storm with court action against the pl favouritism and breaking their own rules.

What the hell is going on in the pl ?
Why wasn't the hateful 8 fined for not acting in good faith ?
Why aren't the rags being dotted points ?

It fucking stinks aided and abetted by our shulit stain of the press/media.

Also why isn't the PFA getting involved ? This witchhunt against City is affecting its members from City, could be affecting their mental health, their wage package ;) etc. PFA could call a strike until the witchhunt is stepped ( abit OTT I know )

Like I say I don't mind City being investigated what I don't like is most of the other members of the pl not be investigated. Or like rags when clearly breaking the rules a deal is done to help them.
It’s not just the “redshirts” as you call them, is it? It’s pretty much the whole football world. These people know what is at stake here. I’m not saying that they will find us guilty on all counts for no reason but I’m saying that they may well feel they have to punish us for something or the whole thing has been a waste of time and money.
I think it may work in our favour. The panel will have to be whiter than white. They have their reputations to protect.
There has been concern about the independence of the independent panel examining the 115 charges. On the other hand great play has been made of the fact that this is not a trial, the club cannot be found guilty because we are accused of breaching regulations and what clubs and the PL commit themselves to is a process of arbitration. Please correct me if I am wrong because it is this arbitration that concerns me. The CAS hearing decided that they need never have become involved if City had shown their evidence to the Adjudicatory Chamber and considered a witholding of some 10 million euros appropriate. At the time I felt uneasy about this because I didn't understand why City should have money withheld for not producing our evidence when time after time the court stated that UEFA had never had any evidence at all which justified bringing the "charges". I hope "arbitration" does not mean that the IC has to find in favour of both parties - compromise or arbitration!
I note the originator of the charges story, Ziegler was on Skys panel last night. Why is it all these fuckers require an emergency orthodontists intervention for gnashers like a medieval graveyard. Is that what happens when you suck united and scouse cock for 25 years?
You’re dead right that in that vacuum we have lost the PR war but that makes me worry that there’s such a clamour to find us guilty that any panel will almost feel duty bound to punish us in some way, whatever that is. Total exoneration will cause a massive outcry.


And this is why KC or not I can't see us being cleared 100%. I don't trust the independent panel for that reason.
It’s not just the “redshirts” as you call them, is it? It’s pretty much the whole football world. These people know what is at stake here. I’m not saying that they will find us guilty on all counts for no reason but I’m saying that they may well feel they have to punish us for something or the whole thing has been a waste of time and money.
There has to be a material evidential basis for that, given the professional reputations at stake. I’m not saying even the smartest people, replete with integrity aren’t still capable of mental gymnastics - we all are, but there has to be a de minimis evidential threshold for it to be engaged when senior careers and reputations are at stake.

Unless there is some meaningful evidence of wrongdoing, then I cannot see this going against the club.
But they are truly irrelevant - who cares in the context of a finding of 10 years of false accounts if we breached a UEFA licence application

Hard to argue with that. Your point being, I suppose: if the primary allegations are not proven, the consequential allegations fall away; if they are proven, the consequential allegations are the least of the club's problems.
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