PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Did they not do that with our neighbours twice. A game postponed because they found a fake bomb and secondly when the brain dead hordes piled into the swamp and proceeded to smash the place up, causing at least a pounds worth of damage. My memory is not what it was but it culminated in massive fines and points deductions. Or not.
Hermann Goering's Luftwaffe might have had their faults, but they weren't brain dead ; they did, at least, manage to find the correct target.

And Uwe's granddad was in their number .
Just listened to that Simon Polish name idiot from the Muen on Talkshite. Not once did he defend City. What is wrong with that fucking paper they are supposed to be local.
Was listening to that. Thought he must be a red. He, Rushden and Glendenning took it in turns to direct sneering jibes at the club.
If Masters keeps any incriminating stuff quiet, will he be charged with non cooperation?

Got to believe there will be dirt in the PL’s cupboard - and a good legal team will locate it. There’s some arrogant fuckers at the top of football who think they are above the law…. They started this process but they will be closely scrutinised by it.
I can’t help thinking this is the beginning of the end of football (for me). We go into this hearing with a no win scenario all round. Half of the Premier League teams are American owned and just want to milk the “product” for all its worth. If they can’t dominate the Premier League they’ll destroy it by walking to a European Super League, which ironically is in its inaugural season starting midweek. Football is on a precipice. The harshest sentence they dare impose IF we are found to have breached rules is a large points deduction ensuring relegation. Appeals aside, if we accept the decision we are so well run we’ll be back after a season and challenging again. That won’t be enough for the red cartel yanks.
I can’t help thinking this is the beginning of the end of football (for me). We go into this hearing with a no win scenario all round. Half of the Premier League teams are American owned and just want to milk the “product” for all its worth. If they can’t dominate the Premier League they’ll destroy it by walking to a European Super League, which ironically is in its inaugural season starting midweek. Football is on a precipice. The harshest sentence they dare impose IF we are found to have breached rules is a large points deduction ensuring relegation. Appeals aside, if we accept the decision we are so well run we’ll be back after a season and challenging again. That won’t be enough for the red cartel yanks.
Don’t worry when the red cartel realise they can’t have their way the US owners will sell up. At least that is Soccernomics prediction. Our owners can wait this out theirs can’t. We are playing a very long game.
I can’t help thinking this is the beginning of the end of football (for me). We go into this hearing with a no win scenario all round. Half of the Premier League teams are American owned and just want to milk the “product” for all its worth. If they can’t dominate the Premier League they’ll destroy it by walking to a European Super League, which ironically is in its inaugural season starting midweek. Football is on a precipice. The harshest sentence they dare impose IF we are found to have breached rules is a large points deduction ensuring relegation. Appeals aside, if we accept the decision we are so well run we’ll be back after a season and challenging again. That won’t be enough for the red cartel yanks.
If they manage to get rid of us. New rules will be put in place to make sure we never come back
Our "local" paper has not had City representation for a long time. The last person we had giving us a fair crack was Stuart Brennan, and he was a rag! Although to be fair he tended to be pretty impartial in his reporting, but since he left it's a paper written by rags, for rags. And the website is a mess!
That’s why traditional media & papers are dying & fan media is taking over, we have options now and can filter out the bias and gaslighting of the “City correspondent” types

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