PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

If you say so fella
You seem very confident. How much would you donate to charity if you are wrong? Not here to wind anyone up, just trying to gauge how confident you are and is it from something you have heard from someone very senior involved in the case or your gut based on what you have read / seen / heard etc. I do think we will be found not guilty of all major charges but have a sneaky suspicion they will try and chuck something at us such as non cooperation just so that the PL can appease the yanks and say we did our best etc.
When this is all over and all the smoke has cleared, Masters & the red shirts will have to look us in the eyes. It will be like ‘Battle of the Bastards’ in Game of Thrones where Ramsey Bolton comes face to face with Jon Snow.
Hopefully the same fate as Ramsey Bolton awaits masters.

I suppose the dogs will be replaced by the 3 redshirts and spuds.
No we wouldn't. Premier League would revoke our license to participate.
Is that right? Maybe whatever league we ended up in would be given a special licence.

Imagine a team were to win the CL one year, then get relegated the same year due to poor performance. There would be no reason to prevent them from attempting to defend the CL.

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