PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Same here - I sincerely hope that ever since that first UEFA accusation we have been 'acquiring' filth on all our detractors... fire with fire.
When our name is cleared I'm envisaging a scene like the end of the Godfather - Mansour sat there whilst everyone gets their come uppance!
Hopefully Goldbridge gets a Moe Greene special whilst in his bedroom.
Right and that was worthy of £39m more than other clubs? Is this just a case of them making a better argument than other clubs, or was it a rule that they've relaxed for the rags?

Stefan covered this well on Talksport. United chanced their arm with the Premier League on their losses during that period and the prem agreed (interestingly Uefa didn't) Every other club put in their losses for covid and all was agreed. So they didnt get allowed a greater loss whilst others got declined, they simply accepted everybody's loss sheets.
When City win on the substantive allegations, Masters will be gone, a new CEO will be appointed without undue influence, the IR will come in and City will be well placed, imo.

Any attempt to reignite a super league will be shot down by fans again. The cartel clubs may want to try but they don't understand the football culture in the UK. They just see it as business.
Khaldoon has pointedly differentiated the Senior Execs at the Premier League. He goes out of his way to praise the Chair, Allison Brittain, but totally ignores CEO Masters - who is persona non grata at the Club. When City win their “case”, Masters will definitely be sacked and depending on the events leading up to issuing City’s charges (who advised, authorised the “weaponised” charges and why) it may be that the PL’s Legal Head/General Counsel has to go as well, and possibly terminate their relationship with their external Law firm. Beyond that I think Khaldoon will mend his fences with Brittain (he may have done so already) and the new regime at PL.
As you say, the super league won’t happen and the red shirts/Spurs will just have to get back to trying to beat us on the pitch - instead of shenanigans behind our back in the corridors of power.
As for the morons who endlessly call us cheats etc, that will fade especially if we have an even-handed regime running the PL.
I’m very optimistic and the end of this hearing can’t come soon enough - I’ve just a gut feeling it may not take quite as long as being currently suggested.
The Khaldoon stuff regarding Brittain is very obvious…the rest is conjecture.
That indeed is the big question. According to their apologists it hit their Sponsorship levels harder than any other club, it's not the "proper" COVID rules of 2020 - 2021 when every club lost money, it's later years whereby they claim they couldn't raise Sponsorship to the levels previously reached due to COVID.

It's quite simple they historically failed but have said it won't happen again.

No punishment like Forest and Everton, the former failed because they waited to sell Brennan Johnson to the Spuds at a date whereby they got a higher fee for the player but it meant they breached PSR by a couple of months, it was ridiculous really, they made a higher profit on a player but were criticised for waiting, if they had sold "on time" their profits would have been less but they were punished under profit rules, it's bizarre.

Seemingly any losses for the Rags are deemed ok because they'll make a profit in the future.

If i remember correctly they had a sponsorship deal with team viewer that they (team viewer) simply couldnt afford. When neverton made a claim for loss of sponsorship due to russia's invasion of ukraine they got short shrift at the tribunal hearing as apparently sponsorships come and go and clubs need to factor that in!!!

As i said this is if i have remembered correctly
Stefan covered this well on Talksport. United chanced their arm with the Premier League on their losses during that period and the prem agreed (interestingly Uefa didn't) Every other club put in their losses for covid and all was agreed. So they didnt get allowed a greater loss whilst others got declined, they simply accepted everybody's loss sheets.
They were very clever.
My seemingly sensible brother in law (rag) is convinced if we “get let off” its because we bribed “The FA”.

This is what we are up against.
I asked him what the fuck its got to do with the FA anyway and how any bribe would go down.

He just said “money talks”

Shows his level of stupidity

Why wait until we've been hung drawn & quartered in the media, paid Pannick & his lawyers 5k a day to go to the independent commission, to bribe them at the last minute. If we would have bribed the PL then it would have been more worthwile to do it before the PL dropped the bombshell of 115 alleged breaches. We could have paid the PL £1m in hush money, like the dippers
Stefan covered this well on Talksport. United chanced their arm with the Premier League on their losses during that period and the prem agreed (interestingly Uefa didn't) Every other club put in their losses for covid and all was agreed. So they didnt get allowed a greater loss whilst others got declined, they simply accepted everybody's loss sheets.
That's not what he said according to this:

Stefan covered this well on Talksport. United chanced their arm with the Premier League on their losses during that period and the prem agreed (interestingly Uefa didn't) Every other club put in their losses for covid and all was agreed. So they didnt get allowed a greater loss whilst others got declined, they simply accepted everybody's loss sheets.

Because who asses them are there mates

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