PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I’m loving how all the know-nothings are already pontificating on the punishment!

“100 point deduction!”
“Kicked out of ALL competitions!”
“Sent to bed with no supper!”

What a sad statement about how the hordes are so desperate for it all to be true and City get some comeuppance, because, well, “they DIDN’T win by playing the best football ever seen in British football and, erm, we are all a bit jealous of their success!”

Personally, I think I’m going to wait to see how big the fine is for the “non-cooperation” portion of the 115 before I lose a wink of sleep over hundreds of millions of dollars of potential corporate fraud for the last decade!

Once you realise that their content is ONLY designed to elicit a click, the content becomes very obvious. There is no interest in objectivity, nor factual content, just what will act as the best trigger. Outrageous statements about extreme punishments and the presumption of guilt act EXACTLY in that way for the swathes of angry and embittered fans of clubs who have suffered in the wake of our success.
................And I expect Pannick will be fucking brilliant at it. It usually helps if you’re far smarter than the person you’re asking questions of, which in relation to Masters will unquestionably be the case.
I imagine that he is absolutely shitting himself has the date for his face-off with Pannick draws nearer
The media play a blinder when they print stories about this case, not one is printed in a positive outcome for City it's all about the worst possible situation we could find ourselves in. Like everyone else says it's pure clickbait for the red gullible twats so they can go into work with a tiny hard on believing everything they read
Can you (or anyone else) say roughly how much we are accused of putting in that we were not allowed t0?

Are we talking £5million, £25 million, £50 million or £100million or more?

And over how many years?

I am genuinely unclear what the quantum of our alleged offences are meant to be.
C£60-70m pa
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Doubt it. Documents won’t come alive until pored over in opening, cross examination and then in closing anyway. And the overall bundle will be huge so no chance they will have flicked through the whole of that
Surely each skeleton argument will have, at the very least, identified essential reading in advance of the hearing?
The media play a blinder when they print stories about this case, not one is printed in a positive outcome for City it's all about the worst possible situation we could find ourselves in. Like everyone else says it's pure clickbait for the red gullible twats so they can go into work with a tiny hard on believing everything they read
i was shown one yesterday by some bellend on tiktok and his reasoning was that the pl wouldnt have gone this far unless they had something and i just said uefa did and he had nothing it, its just white noise at this point and depends whether you have the energy to taunt them and correct their stupidity.

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