PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Assuming he’s a witness. It’s perfectly conceivable he isn’t. Difficult to tell in the absence of any particulars around the evidential basis for the charges.

Khaldoon:” I’ll pay you £5k per day but I want that **** Masters on the stand.”
Pannick: “I’ll do him slowly over 2 days so he has to go to bed knowing what’s happening the next day.”
The media play a blinder when they print stories about this case, not one is printed in a positive outcome for City it's all about the worst possible situation we could find ourselves in. Like everyone else says it's pure clickbait for the red gullible twats so they can go into work with a tiny hard on believing everything they read
Ah you say that, but over in the alternative facts land of red cafe,

’the media is so far up City’s arse, they barely mention it (115), it’s getting clearer everyday which journalists are getting brown envelopes from them.’
Assuming he’s a witness. It’s perfectly conceivable he isn’t. Difficult to tell in the absence of any particulars around the evidential basis for the charges.

Having asked for all the emails, texts and Whatsapp messages in the PL's possession that mention City from 2008 onwards I would imagine it's very, very likely that Masters will be asked to explain the content of some of those, at least.
No-one is sure what the details of the allegations are, but for Etihad they are probably saying that 8 million per year of the sponsorship was paid by Etihad directly and the rest by "someone else" assumed by the PL to be ADUG, over all the years 2009/10 to 2017/18.

The Etihad sponsorship began at around 40 million a year and is now thought to be around 65 million a year, so anywhere between 30 and 55 million a year funded by ADUG over 9 years, so say 300-400 million.

Then you have any amounts for Etisalat, Aabar, ADTA they think they have on top.

Iirc, UEFA at CAS suggested 200 million, but they weren't looking at the same number of years as the PL.
Fordham is probably around £65m over 5 years, while the Mancini contract was just under £6m over 3 years.
Probably true, but he will be up in front of retired judges, presumably, who have been doing things that way for longer than he has. Make the old dears feel comfortable is my advice instead of having them floundering in front of a computer screen much to everyone's amusement ....
You're talking about an age group where many had to learn how to assemble their own computers to save money. Bowlers used to do a roaring trade in those days, not that I saw many future judges and K.Cs buying 16 mb memory cards to save a few quid.

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