PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

That’s for certain. I know you’ve explained it won’t be the forum but I’d really like to know why the premier league decided to go with the press release & 115 because once that happened there was no opportunity to broker a deal. War had broken out.
I also find that interesting!
The PL states Everton charged , Forest charged
No mention of the number of charges
But specifically mentioned 115 then we find out that’s even incorrect it’s something like 130
wasnt just the points though there was a large fine involved, i dont know 5 million or 105 million, it could be anything if it was a large amount as reported, think the club have gone the correct route,why should will fill the PLs coffers on demand
I trust we have a very good chance of defending ourselves and believe our Chairman would’ve brokered a deal if he thought we were guilty
He stated we had significant evidence to prove our innocence and I hope and pray we do
It just feels like an almighty gamble
Such a shame a deal couldn’t have been done
If found guilty we are facing oblivion
Most cases don't have the political issue the PL has here - optically difficult for them to settle without City accepting wrongdoing which City are naturally reluctant to do. The parties really should have found a way to settle before the charges but likely too late now.
Agreed. This nails it IMO.

I was involved in a very similar case in this regard (allegations of fraud dating back many years, huge financial and reputational risks, high costs, non-financial drivers for both parties). It did settle but I think the key difference there was that there was more middle ground that would satisfy both parties. (I think settling was absolutely the right thing to do in that case, FWIW.)

Here, it's hard to see how City can settle on any aspect other than non cooperation, even if the settlement was relatively minor. A 6 point penalty and fine, for example, is small beer compared to what will happen if we lose on the key issues in front of the IC. But the reputational damage of those terms, and the long standing taint it would leave on past and future achievements, is so bad that I can't see City accepting that unless our substantive case was really shaky (even if on a purely probabilistic view it would be the correct thing to do).

And the PL have kind of the same problem in reverse. It's worse for them to settle just on cooperation, say, and take the substantive charges off the table, than it is to go to the IC and lose badly, getting criticised and stung for costs, because EVEN IF the substantive case for the PL is really weak, the perception will (quite wrongly) be that they caved. This is actually a common problem for regulatory bodies like the SFO, HMRC, FCA etc. Although those bodies - well certainly HMRC - have much better governance frameworks for taking these decisions than the PL seems to.

Masters is and has been in a difficult spot here but it does seem like he hasn't been up to the task, I would say.
Is this witch hunt being held under the normal adversarial judicial process we have in this country or is it a fact finding process as an inquest for instance.
I have a slight concern ,because of my personal experiences of the adversarial system is, it ,depends ,not on facts and truth, but who is better at arguing and sound bites. Everyone seems sure our top notch so perhaps justice will be done.
I have the utmost faith belief and admiration for our owners,their intelligence and integrity must surely be obvious to any judge. Whereas it's obvious to any one unbiased that these characters simply jumped up to stop City.
If case hadn't been forced out in the open (Daily Mail was it?) maybe there would have been a settlement.
It was the investigation that was made public when the judge rejected an appeal by City, supported by the PL, to keep City’s case asking the court to stop the PL seeking confidential documents to support an investigation private Once the PL announced the charges which they would’ve done anyhow
It just feels like an almighty gamble
Such a shame a deal couldn’t have been done
If found guilty we are facing oblivion
No we're not, it's news sensationalism. Football was ending a few months ago because City had the gall to challenge a rule modification they think is illegal. The vitriol over "tyranny of the majority" was funny though.
In my career in liability insurance I have been involved in dozens, if not hundreds of legal actions. The vast majority of these cases (probably upwards of 90%) settle before they get to court. In my experience this is down to two things. The first is the uncertainty of the outcome in a civil case and the second, and by far the biggest consideration, is the cost of litigation. It’s often much cheaper to settle a matter than have it proceed through the legal process to trial and possibly appeal.

So far, it doesn’t look like either side in this matter are thinking about the uncertainty or the cost.
Khaldoon has made it clear he will spend whatever it takes. I think the exact quote was: “ I will spend unlimited amounts to grind these bastards into the ground.”

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