PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

This legal circus makes a total mockery of the elite modern game. Surely, the PL will have been shown the bank statements that demonstrate that Etihad made the relevant sponsorship payments as per their contract with City. The PL will also have been given evidence that verifies the account holders for the relevant bank accounts for each transaction. Assuming that everything is in order, which must have been the case with CAS, what the fxxx are the PL up to? If this is the case, the PL are going to look more stupid that they do already. The sooner this circus is done the better.
It still astonishes me that they would want a re-run of the exact same charges that we won on at CAS. Why even go there? I know there’s a load of other stuff included but to effectively have a re-trial on something we were cleared of at the highest sporting arbitration court in the world smacks of desperation to me.
I trust we have a very good chance of defending ourselves and believe our Chairman would’ve brokered a deal if he thought we were guilty
He stated we had significant evidence to prove our innocence and I hope and pray we do
It just feels like an almighty gamble
Such a shame a deal couldn’t have been done
If found guilty we are facing oblivion
A deal for what?
Telling the truth?
I disagree if we fall a division or 2
Players and sponsors will leave it will set us back many a year
That’s before clubs and people start suing us for whatever reason
It will take a long time to come back
FFS get a grip of yourself and believe in our Chairman instead of these shithouses on social media.
wasnt just the points though there was a large fine involved, i dont know 5 million or 105 million, it could be anything if it was a large amount as reported, think the club have gone the correct route,why should will fill the PLs coffers on demand

Where was this reported?

Afaik this settlement rumour has come from one poster on here saying he’d heard this had happened.
I trust we have a very good chance of defending ourselves and believe our Chairman would’ve brokered a deal if he thought we were guilty
He stated we had significant evidence to prove our innocence and I hope and pray we do
It just feels like an almighty gamble
Such a shame a deal couldn’t have been done
If found guilty we are facing oblivion

Not sure you know what the word oblivion means.

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