PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I hope if we have to fight fire with fire then we have enough kindling to build a massive bonfire to throw the prem onto . Compromising
Pictures, video tape, emails, letters the whole nine yards ! I actually don't want the prem destroyed, just the people and cartels running it . Sometimes you have to get your hands dirty and if we have to, let's throw that mud and have some start sticking to the prem and it's cronies .
It still astonishes me that they would want a re-run of the exact same charges that we won on at CAS. Why even go there? I know there’s a load of other stuff included but to effectively have a re-trial on something we were cleared of at the highest sporting arbitration court in the world smacks of desperation to me.
It's called envy and delusion.
If that 6 point deduction offer is true I’m amazed City didn’t take it. If we have say a 30% chance of relegation, given that even the most slam dunk of cases has only around a 70% chance of winning, why take the chance?
Khaldoon took a pinch 10 years ago to save face. I don’t think he’s in the mood this time.
There are a few doom mongers here fearing the worst. My view is if the PL had any irrefutable evidence of wrong doing, this case would have been done by now any any punishment would have been meted out. We would either be in the appeal stage now or suffering the punishment handed down.

The longer it has took the PL to get this hearing underway, I feel their case will have been weakened and they have instead been looking at brokering a deal where we will take a pinch for a minimal punishment (small points deduction with (or on it's own) a considerable fine.

City however would have told the PL that the reputational damage already done to the club far outweighs any deal that they can or were offering and we are beyond the point of accepting anything offered by them to save the PL's face. The only thing the City could offer them is the hope of them not suing the PL, certain clubs and the media for vast amounts of money for damages.
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Kaz, why are you being so lenient when you know they must burn in hellfire forever with pitchforks wedged up their bottoms?
“Charges not proven” can still imply and will demonstrate guilt with the hordes of lemmings.
“City are innocent on all counts” is what I want to see. Whether that is an option in the vernacular of law I’m not sure.
Straight to the Brown envelope conspiracy.
Anything that doesn’t find guilt will be jumped on as a whitewash or that we’ve bribed people or that we’ve just out lawyered the PL due to our unlimited nation state wealth. The PR war was lost years ago and it won’t change. It will mean though, if we win, that we can legitimately start suing the rear end off people not careful with their insinuations

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