PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

You are missing the point.

It is a brief discussion that reaches different levels.

You are one level and Simon has reached you. You only care about innuendo and, in your words, bullshit slinging. There will be plenty like you.

There are a fair few other levels he can't reach. But Stefan can.

The two are targeting a completely different audience.
Jordan’s comments have no credibility. Stefan always backs up his comments with facts. It is clear that Jordan is just a classic bluffer. He hasn’t even bothered to read all the CAS evidence. He has virtually no knowledge of City’s case.
No you don't debate by talking over Simon Jordan. SJ has the luxury of being able to change his mind about things - he has does this in the past on numerous occasions and is unapologetic about it. Stefan on the other hand has to remain balanced and not play to the crowd - that is how a person retains credibility. Stefan mentioned the PL have 8 barristers on their team - 2 KC's and 6 junior barristers. Do we know how many City have on their team? I can't work out if 8 barristers is a sign of confidence or uncertainty by the PL?!
He made the point about the number of barristers to say that it most probably means that there will be a lot of City witnesses to be cross-examined won't be so many PL witnesses though
Why do you care about what TS listeners who don't support City think?

A lot of it was new to me. And that's with following this thread.
I never said I did. I don't care what they think, but TS clearly do and it just seems to me to be an opportunity for Jordan to interrupt and interject. Perhaps this is the aim. I didn't get much out of it but each to their own.
Why would Etihad need Sheikh Mansour to pay the majority of their sponsorship contract when they were turning over billions of USD per annum? Looks like they can afford to pay it themselves which was confirmed at CAS.
Etihad were loosing vast sums of money at the time and were supported by the Abu Dhabi executive committee their owners, its only in the last few years they have made profits
Stefan does a fine job. He has limited time and simply puts facts across during a show and a station that usually dances around said facts. Of course we all would love to go to town on Jordan but I imagine if such an incident took place, Stefan will no longer be invited back. We have few voices in the media, whilst Stefan isn't a City cheerleader, it is refreshing to hear balance and fairness for a change.
It’s all well and good saying we will do it after the event but this isn’t our 1st rodeo. We were cleared at CAS and what has the fallout been from it? The clubs PR offensive was to allow all and sundry to run a completely different narrative. We have literally been slandered left, right and centre for the years following and the club have seemingly done nothing to stop it.

Instead it’s left to our “media fans” to go on these shows to defend us but it’s like lambs to the slaughter. That scouser on the Overlap shouts in the City fans face “because you cheated” and not only does nobody in the room pull her up on it, the editors of the show obviously think it’s fine and leave it in the final cut.

If this is all a result of our legal advice…maybe we should be more worried about the outcome of the case?
This case is much more serious than the CAS case.

And yes obviously we should be worried about the outcome. Whether we should be more worried depends on how worried you were in the first place!

But unfortunately until there is a definitive outcome there isn't much the club can do. Yes, it is a pile on, and that's bad. But what do you think the club can actually do about the Scouse fan you refer to?

Obviously, after a verdict from the IC it is a different matter, and (if successful) the club will have far more scope to deal with this stuff.

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