PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I don’t disagree but these morons have a huge platform and the club should have nipped this in the bud early doors. You’ve got Spitty there acting like the Pied Piper and yet within the next few weeks, he will no doubt be welcomed into the Etihad to commentate on a game. It’s all wrong. Theres taking the high ground and then there just plain shooting yourself in the foot.
Fair enough. The club seems to be doing OK growth-wise, though, even with shooting itself in the foot. They seem to know what they are doing.

Btw, just to be clear, I wasn't suggesting you are a moron for watching it. You clearly aren't part of their targeted demographic.
No wonder the general public are so misinformed about our case when they're forced to listen to the likes of Carragher and Scholes talk about a subject that is seriously out of their depth. Along with sports journalists who all of a sudden believe that they're qualified to make the jump from talking about tactics in a football match to legal law. I haven't a clue about law, but I listen to those who are.
Firstly, I’m not suggesting anyone gives them the clicks they crave. I’m not gonna watch it. You only have to see the thumbnail to get the drift…

“Are City guilty?” screams the headline.

Carragher and Scholes as judge and jury.

Imagine if they did this for a fucking murder case, they’d be taken off air.

But City is fair game in the court of public opinion.

This is the equivalent of asking 2 Picadilly Gardens spice heads to give their analysis of Pythagorean theorem.

Don’t put yourselves through it.
If city had been offered 6 points penalty I think they’d have taken it. Not saying we are guilty of course but that doesn’t mean a risk that we will be. Would also say people keep saying city are confident etc etc. The PL also have top people working on this case and surely would have stopped things if they think we had no case to answer. Guess the truth is nobody knows and let’s hope we are cleared of all. Although can’t believe they won’t do for for something again which makes me think city would have taken 6 points. Remember we took a pinch with UEFA.
Nothing wrong with the high road, no matter how annoying it may be for us.

Edit: btw, I don't watch The Overlap because it was shit for morons when it started, it is still shit for morons and it will always be shit for morons.
Were you a moron at the time you watched it mate ? ;) Or has it made you perfectly sane nowadays ? ;)
That scouse girl is incredibly stupid and doesn’t do herself any favours in the way she spoke on the Overlap. She represents the intellectually challenged, living in a black and white world of thinking. Making comments like City might ‘get away with it’ and that City have ‘cheated for the last 10 years’ just shows her ignorance and lack of flexibility in her thinking. Unless, she has seen, read and understood ( I mean seriously lol) the case documents her conclusions are based on nothing other than hatred and jealousy.
Sadly that is the case for most of the commentators and practically all the people one meets on the street or in a pub. Hatred and jealousy overriding logic and reason.

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