PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

It all makes perfect sense if you completely avoid reading and understanding the CAS judgement.
Opposition fans really must come to terms with:
1. We only got away with it because of time barring.
2. We selected all the judges.
3. We had ten times more lawyers than them.
4. Brown envelopes.
Get over it lads, we played a blinder and got away with murder but you can do nowt about it now.
Arsenal fans - deflecting their embarrassing, abject failure in terms of success and bottle, by developing this strange superiority complex and pretending they're a major player. Having a good spell and currently a very good team - but won nothing and you'd have thought a bit of humility would be a better choice.

Humility! They're the most bizarre fan base...

Arsenal fans - deflecting their embarrassing, abject failure in terms of success and bottle, by developing this strange superiority complex and pretending they're a major player. Having a good spell and currently a very good team - but won nothing and you'd have thought a bit of humility would be a better choice.
Staying humble isn't in Arsenal's nature, unfortunately.
It’s time the premier league and the media ends its racist undertones when it comes to city and their support of the deemed superior American race. Time to accept all clubs equally no matter if the owner is Muslim, Jewish, British, American etc. we should not accept anything less in 2024.

Khaldoon said it himself. I hate bringing politics into this but it’s clear that certain owners are lauded and certain owners treated with distain. This whole thing is a joke no matter how it’s dressed up and portrayed by the mainstream media.
But if you mention specific events relating to Liverpool and/or manyooo, all hell breaks loose.

It’s time the premier league and the media ends its racist undertones when it comes to city and their support of the deemed superior American race. Time to accept all clubs equally no matter if the owner is Muslim, Jewish, British, American etc. we should not accept anything less in 2024.

Khaldoon said it himself. I hate bringing politics into this but it’s clear that certain owners are lauded and certain owners treated with distain. This whole thing is a joke no matter how it’s dressed up and portrayed by the mainstream media.

Criticism of City's ownership can be broken down into four distinct categories...

The first is universalism, the Nick Harris, Guardian angle...

Universalism in ethics is the idea that ethical principles and standards are universal and apply to all people, regardless of their culture, race, or other distinguishing features. It's a controversial claim that's common in many ethical traditions and political appeals to universal human rights.

The UAE falls foul of universalism, because, to put it crudely, they fall short of the liberal western values so beloved of Guardian reading Islington luvvies. Universalism flies in the face of cultural and religious differences and the basics of self determination, it's the left's equivalent of the White Man's Burden, it's not racism per se, the same folk who despise our owners tend to worship the Palestinians.

The Americans...

The Americans, or more to the point American capitalism, hates us, we're long term investment for sustained success, profitability and asset value growth. The American model is short term, cash cow, rigged market.


Nuff said.


We cheat coz that's what Arabs do.
Magic twat totally distorts and twists the CAS evidence. For example both sides accepted the emails were authentic (apart from the one which was two mails spliced together). He claims this means both sides accepted the emails implied some sort of wrongdoing. This is total bollocks.
Excuse me...the name is Tragic Twat...

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