PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Criticism of City's ownership can be broken down into four distinct categories...

The first is universalism, the Nick Harris, Guardian angle...

Universalism in ethics is the idea that ethical principles and standards are universal and apply to all people, regardless of their culture, race, or other distinguishing features. It's a controversial claim that's common in many ethical traditions and political appeals to universal human rights.

The UAE falls foul of universalism, because, to put it crudely, they fall short of the liberal western values so beloved of Guardian reading Islington luvvies. Universalism flies in the face of cultural and religious differences and the basics of self determination, it's the left's equivalent of the White Man's Burden, it's not racism per se, the same folk who despise our owners tend to worship the Palestinians.

The Americans...

The Americans, or more to the point American capitalism, hates us, we're long term investment for sustained success, profitability and asset value growth. The American model is short term, cash cow, rigged market.


Nuff said.


We cheat coz that's what Arabs do.
This is my main problem with universalism because what it is basically saying is that we want all values, cultures, races, religions and creeds respected equally which on the face of it is a noble sentiment, where it falls down is the bit they dont say at the end of it which is we want all values, cultures, races, religions and creeds respected equally AS LONG AS THEY AGREE WITH US, they get shown up on their bullshit when someone disagrees with them and they mobilise their crap to try and eradicate a thing that is at odds with what they think is correct which basically shows their whole way of thinking to be absolute crap and no better than the dictators and oppressive way of thinking they claim to be against.
Universalism = We, the white west, know best and our system and ethics are far superior to anyone else's.

This is cultural imperialism. It's not that far off what people believed back in the day when they went into other countries to save the 'natives' from themselves and introduce them to our 'values' which were of course 'superior'.

The major problem in the world is that the USA, in particular, wants to force its mores on everyone. Even if you think they mean well - which I don't - they have no fucking right to do it. It's like some **** coming into your house and forcing you to redecorate, eat different food and exercise more. You'd tell them to fuck off, wouldn't you? What's the difference?
It’s time the premier league and the media ends its racist undertones when it comes to city and their support of the deemed superior American race. Time to accept all clubs equally no matter if the owner is Muslim, Jewish, British, American etc. we should not accept anything less in 2024. Khaldoon said it himself.

I hate bringing politics into this but it’s clear that certain owners are lauded and certain owners treated with distain. This whole thing is a joke no matter how it’s dressed up and portrayed by the mainstream media.
Geronimo says don't bring him into it.
This is my main problem with universalism because what it is basically saying is that we want all values, cultures, races, religions and creeds respected equally which on the face of it is a noble sentiment, where it falls down is the bit they dont say at the end of it which is we want all values, cultures, races, religions and creeds respected equally AS LONG AS THEY AGREE WITH US, they get shown up on their bullshit when someone disagrees with them and they mobilise their crap to try and eradicate a thing that is at odds with what they think is correct which basically shows their whole way of thinking to be absolute crap and no better than the dictators and oppressive way of thinking they claim to be against.

That's why the sports washing accusations are complete bollocks, it's not a thing, it's completely made up.

The UAE is not engaged in sports washing coz they've nothing to wash. The people of the UAE will get to wherever it is they're going under their own steam and in their own time and their position in some league table of universal human rights, drafted in New York, London or Brussels, means absolutely nothing to them and likewise the vast majority of people on this planet in all its glorious diversity.
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Opposition fans really must come to terms with:
1. We only got away with it because of time barring.
2. We selected all the judges.
3. We had ten times more lawyers than them.
4. Brown envelopes.
Get over it lads, we played a blinder and got away with murder but you can do nowt about it now.
10 times more lawyers? According to some arsenal **** on here we’ve spent all that time making our case, and then yesterday we copped a guilty to all bar 7 if the charges; the 7 apparently we said we were already found guilty of them by UEFA and begged not to be done again. I thought I was deluded
Lol, so our lawyers had no answer as to why we didn't cooperate with the Premier League. You can just imagine Panick and Co sitting there open mouthed thinking oh shit I didn't know they were going to ask this. Pmsl
We will have a defence for every single point.

The only thing we have ever said about the case is that we have irrefutable evidence proving our innocence.

As you say we’re not going to offer nothing on a third of the charges.

There are some sad attention seekers over on Twitter!
That's why the sports washing accusations are complete bollocks, it's not a thing, it's completely made up.

The UAE is not engaged in sports washing coz they've nothing to wash. The people of the UAE will get to wherever it is they're going under their own steam and in their own time and their position in some league table of universal human rights, drafted in New York, London or Brussels, means absolutely nothing to them and likewise the vast majority of people on this planet in all their glorious diversity.
Sportswashing is a sound bite slogan created by human rights groups to help promote their cause. The idea that Gulf countries only invest money to enhance their image is absurd.
10 times more lawyers? According to some arsenal **** on here we’ve spent all that time making our case, and then yesterday we copped a guilty to all bar 7 if the charges; the 7 apparently we said we were already found guilty of them by UEFA and begged not to be done again. I thought I was deluded
So apparently we have now admitted the UEFA allegations we were cleared of by CAS. That makes sense.
Indeed. One look at RAWK, and the Manchester City thread title, will tell you that we have broken them. Of course, they are currently touring 'TOTL', as they often have, but that thread is a snakepit of lies, excuses, and venom, shrouded in how insignificant we are, and how they are absolutely not bothered by our success. Arsenal are heading down the same route because it is the hope that kills you, especially when you began supporting your team during the times of success that are no more.
They all have to learn how to support your team through thick and thin. Our results made us drop a division or 2 but made our supporters support their team more.
Now not only other supporters but also the PL didn't realize that lies and accusations serve the purpose of bonding team and supporters not breaking it.
For us older people it was character building to follow City, let's hope our new found supporters have the same attitude.
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Universalism = We, the white west, know best and our system and ethics are far superior to anyone else's.

This is cultural imperialism. It's not that far off what people believed back in the day when they went into other countries to save the 'natives' from themselves and introduce them to our 'values' which were of course 'superior'.

The major problem in the world is that the USA, in particular, wants to force its mores on everyone. Even if you think they mean well - which I don't - they have no fucking right to do it. It's like some **** coming into your house and forcing you to redecorate, eat different food and exercise more. You'd tell them to fuck off, wouldn't you? What's the difference?
Wish someone would. I’m a right fat lazy **** and my house is a disgrace

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