PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I am a City fan and I think we will be found innocent, but I also think we have to be balanced.

There is clearly more being discussed in this case then at CAS.

Our lawyers have agreed to the time frame for the hearing, must think that PL evidence must be at least 2 weeks worth, CAS was 1 day.

As to the question is their a whistleblower or significant credible evidence, we won’t know until after this case as it is confidential until we get the written judgement, so I wouldn’t say there is not one.

However, you are right no one has got public and would take a level of professionalism from the PL and red cartel beyond what they have done before, not to be shouting about it in the press.

But they have very good legal representation who will have advised the best way to do it.

There’s nothing wrong with being confident, I genuinely believe as in all cases we are going in on the basis that it is more likely we have not done it and so PL will need to have good evidence.

But until we actually know what they have (and they obviously have something to show as do we). Then we have no assurance.

I somehow think my point has got lost with people saying we have no defence to certain points, that would be very unlikely at this point.
I wouldn't say there is not one either but what I will say is this. City have claimed all along that they've done nothing wrong and have evidence to refute the allegations. As things stand, that's good enough for me because they said the same in the lead-up to CAS and came through on that statement. With that in mind, there won't be a whistleblower and there never will be one because if what City are telling us is true then no whistleblower exists. With that in mind, I will say that IMO while the PL will indeed have more "evidence", it will only be evidence that is open to interpretation in many different ways.

Of course, City could be lying to us and are actually guilty as fuck but that's highly unlikely IMO because it would be beyond stupid - and totally unnecessary - to do the things we're accused of.
Universalism = We, the white west, know best and our system and ethics are far superior to anyone else's.

This is cultural imperialism. It's not that far off what people believed back in the day when they went into other countries to save the 'natives' from themselves and introduce them to our 'values' which were of course 'superior'.

The major problem in the world is that the USA, in particular, wants to force its mores on everyone. Even if you think they mean well - which I don't - they have no fucking right to do it. It's like some **** coming into your house and forcing you to redecorate, eat different food and exercise more. You'd tell them to fuck off, wouldn't you? What's the difference?
I take it you're not married then Brian?...;)

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