PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Scousers must be funny. After all, they always laugh at their own 'jokes'.

Many years ago, I sat in front of three inebriated scousers on a four-hour flight. Each one of them thought they were a comedian. Non-stop drivel for the whole flight. I had a headache after the flight as I spent so much time grinding my teeth. It was excruciating.
They are the closest breed possible to fitting the “tar with the same brush” mantra, 99.9% of them are utter cunts.
Me neither. He's as funny as most scousers which is not funny at all except in their empty heads. Some idiot years ago started the myth all scousers are witty and have a great sense of humour, they've lived off that lie ever since.

They're a lovely little community of supportive people with a great sense of humour. They just can't take a joke and go into fucking hiding when it comes to outing anyone who's broken the law within their ranks. A tribal cult of people with a chip on their shoulder.
I Prem League win since inception is their record ( asterisk req'd for Covid ) - hence the bitterness.

They are exactly the same as the rags and gooners imo.

Chronic entitlement issues topped off with jealousy. Blatant and obvious.
Yep, unfortunately it’s where the main stream media have done their job with regards the appalling way they have portrayed us and the charges purely for click bait.

Every WhatsApp group I’m part of, every conversation in a boozer, every Facebook group I see, where there is any pisstaking of scum fans for example, immediately reverts to us being banned and relegated for being cheats.

It’s so painfully dull, they can’t accept their own shortcomings.
We are owned by Sheikh Mansour 75pc and SilverLake 25pc(approx). I get your drift but it is wrong to use a broad phrase like UAE ownership unless you believe that Sheikh Mansour is not allowed to invest his personal wealth where he wants. It is a nuance but an important one.

You know all this, but it's important for everyone to always remember that no-one has ever challenged (in any legal or regulatory case, UEFA disciplinary action or PL disciplinary action, afaik) that Mansour owns City in a personal capacity rather than as some vehicle for AD. The fact that no-one has, means that no-one can, as I am sure some people would have liked to. The closest anyone got was UEFA in 2014 through the definition of a possible related party connection between ADUG and the AD sponsors, and UEFA eventually threw that out themselves.

City fans should be careful not to fall into the AD "trap" by combining ownership and sponsorship. They are two very different issues.

The whole concept of sportswashing is that we are owned by an AD sheikh and as such the purpose of the investment is to improve the image of Abu Dhabi, which falls at the first ownership hurdle (I once had this discussion with Delaney whose response was "I can't take you seriously if you can't see the link between Mansour and the AD government" as if it was some sort of gotcha. If I could shake my head on Twitter, I would have done).

The issue of AD sponsorship is nothing to do with sportswashing, which is why Emirates sponsorships aren't an issue. The issue rival clubs have with the number and amount of City's AD sponsors is that Mansour has contacts in AD, of course, and is using them to increase revenue. Yeah, tough. Suck it up, which I still hope will be the result of the APT case.

Anyway, I am sure you know all this. I was trying to summarise my thoughts for the thread as a whole.
They're a lovely little community of supportive people with a great sense of humour. They just can't take a joke and go into fucking hiding when it comes to outing anyone who's broken the law within their ranks. A tribal cult of people with a chip on their shoulder.
Thankfully they don’t identify as British.
It would be the first time he has been funny.
Only time I saw him and actually was funny was when he was guest speaker at our League centenary dinner which he played in and was just talking about football. As for anything else he is is funny as..
I really hope the people of Manchester boycott John Bishop’s gigs after his poisonous tirade against City on TalkSPORT today. His comments saying clubs and rival fans should boycott games against City were despicable, especially as he lives in Manchester. His claim that: “There are 115 charges so we must have done something” showed him to be a total moron. It’s always funny when the mask slips from people like him.

It would be the first time he has been funny.
About as funny as a fire in an orphanage (c Bernard Manning).

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