PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

But none of this stuff they’re constantly talking about makes it real or means it will come to pass, nor are we in Real Madrid’s position. They’re like the rags or dippers, able to bully whoever they want because of their media establishment ties. The other side is that neutrals are beginning to see this campaign as the witch hunt it is. There’s very little respect for the gutter media from your average Joe in this country. If we we’re arguing with everything they said openly or inferred, we’d never stop and it would drag us down to their level. There will come a time when this is over and we get our hit. I just hope football hasn’t morphed into the super league when that time comes.
As soon as this was announced, the ESL Super League became inevitable. I think a lot of the posts on here give the PL way too much credit. They were a hastily assembled mish mash of dinner guests ready to be served the Golden Goose of TV rights.
In comparison to UEFA they are far less capable, more disorganised and extremely incompetent. The real power is with the media companies who not only control the PL but also the massively skewed narrative we are seeing in the press.
The PL make up the rules as they go along and a lot of the charges (which are little more than mud slinging) invoke rules that hadn't been written at the times the offenses are alleged to have taken place.
When Vinny said he 'rolled his eyes' at the news, it is because he knows the whole industry is corrupt and trying to find a scapegoat.
I know a bit about Football Governance from first hand experience and it is rotten to the core. The ESL will be a sad by product of this whole stinking mess.
I honestly cannot understand why at this stage the PL went public with the charges and briefed the media before informing us. Surely they would go public after we've had a chance to reply?

Saw some Villa fans yesterday explaining that they have been affected most as they were a solid top 6 club and pushing for top 4 every year and then we came along and ruined it.
And this is the essence of much of the shit and shite that has poured through the RDAHMeedya for well over ten years, and it will be at the behest of those shitehawk clubs who feel they have missed out because of our success that Uefa and the PL have followed this course. Greed, envy, jealousy, leagues dominated behind the scenes by a handful of clubs, in which we would never be welcome? Take yer pick.
Pretty much yes. But image rights are deemed to be personal to players and separate to their wages/bonuses. HMRC have a general rule hat about 10% of their total remuneration to be paid in this way, to their own personal companies rather than on a PAYE basis.

As an example, let's say someone is a photographer and an employee of a company that does commercial & wedding photography. He buys the right to do all the wedding photography and pays his employer a sum of money for that right. The money he earns in that way still goes to his employer initially, but they pay it to him gross, which he than has to account for and pay any tax on. Whereas his wages for the employer's main commercial photography business is paid to him as normal salary, with tax & NI deducted at source.

City also moved a number of employees into two subsidiary companies (City Football Services and City Football Marketing). They were paid through these companies but they were loss-making, needing constant injections of cash. That was seen by some as an attempt to move costs off the books but those businesses cross-charged the various CFG clubs for their services, on a pro-rata basis. Obviously most of the charge fell to City but it went through our books, as Other Operating Expenses though, instead of Wages. Also UEFA included those companies in wht it called the 'Reporting Perimeter'. That meant we had to include their results in our FFP submission, with any double-charging cancelled out.
Credit where it’s due, you are a clever bloke
he has not taking your optimism away. you are misinterpreting his analysis. he is saying we cannot simply argue the punishment is too sever as long as it is in the agreed rules. we can though argue that the rules are not correctly applied as we agreed to. as long as we have a strong "serious" case. there is a difference to these two.
Cheers. Any good news is welcome. I started off thinking our club Will successful oppose this & win. But day by day that optimism is being eroded - the media does that!! The latest being that our transfer strategy is now going to be wiped out too!!

It’s hard being a blue but I’ll keep thinking about how I was at Gillingham final :). :)
The DT, presumably along with all the other hyenas from the rat press pack, are suggesting, having assumed that expulsion from the PL is just a formality, that the EFL will not be willing to welcome us! Do these people really understand what makes football tick, no matter what division we debate? MCFC have taken an away following that matches any team in the land. I suppose that every club in the division in which we start a season are gonna look to principle rather that the £20 or £30 coming through the turnstiles in their thousands.
So glad I fucked off the DT in January. Click-bait wind up merchants.

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