PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

He'll take it anyway, mate, gladly.

Without wishing for it to read disrespectful, what you Tweeted was hardly groundbreaking? I don't think anybody is under any illusion, whatsoever, the Premier League would seek to impose the heaviest of punishments.

My disappointment was your own viewpoint that we should be relegated if found guilty?

Personally, I find that hard to digest and a delicious tap-in for people such as Harris, who only gave you the right of redress after previously dismissing you and other Blue Moon informed posters as deranged.

We all have a different moral compass. I have nothing but respect for how City do business and the hoops and hurdles they have had to jump through to simply exist as a successful entity.

Not got much time today but let's all be very clear that if City have tried to find ways around rules or indeed actually broken them, they have done so in an effort to allow their owner to invest in the club to make it competitive so I have no moral issue with City - it's the fuckers trying to stop what should be legitimate investment that I take issue with.

Hanging onto this bit of hope. Lying to your playing staff about this just doesn't sound like the kind of thing they'd do, based on how they've run the business for a decade or more.

On the other hand, if they've come out this confident and are found guilty, think it has to be the end of the line for a lot of senior figures at the club. If it comes out they lied to the players, said players will surely want out. They've put it all on the line.
Danny Mills just fighting our cornrer on talkshite just now.(i know)

Said that if they are going back that many years they should be going back on all clubs as everyone will be up to the line with ffp and that it could collapse like a house of cards.


Of course giddy cow woods is loving it, fuckin Arsenal fans.

She's just saying we will have to replay past games.

Fuck. Me.
Can we replay the Champions League final???
This feels very different to the UEFA episode. Make no bones about it this is a complete witch hunt. During the last legal battle the owners/club remained dignified and followed the legal advice by remaining quiet and reserved through the media. What concerns me with the PL charges - being so many of them - is that this is an outright attack on the very fabric of the club, the soul of our beloved City is under siege. The press have been briefed and have gone into full vulture mode. I simply cannot believe that our owners after following the highest paid advice about the business would be so stupid to flout the rules so blatantly.

For me the time has come to fight fire with fire. We must get in front of this today. This will not go away and we need something more than a paragraph or two stating surprise at timings etc. We need a blunt media briefing denying it all. We are a professionally run organisation but one thing has always irked me - our media & communications team are not the greatest. From getting players name to pictures wrong on the official website to most importantly a reserved approach to many journalistic whispers of how bad an oil run club is - we have been treated at times like the devil and yet not once have really gone at the media about it.

I really hope that we don't, through any appeals process, take a plea and accept even one or two charges taking a fine or a small point deduction. This is different to Juve or Rangers cases because we know any admission no matter how minor will stick with us forever. There are those who are fully determined to ruin our club and send us back to where they see we deserve to be. Any admission of guilt will stay and our success will always be tainted. For this reason alone the club if truly innocent, need to act.

They need to publicly make a statement denying it all. They need to infer that there are fractions behind these accusations. They need to call out the role of other clubs in trying to stop us. They need to state how the club have always been run and what positives have been achieved for the community. They need to remind many how they have not run the club through debt.

Of course if they have conducted the business in line with other organisations, accepted standard practices if you will that blur the lines of legality they need to call out their advisors and accountants that must be party to it. They must similarly call out other clubs who follow similar industry practices. Yes they may risk action against such accusations but as I said this is a co-ordinated attack on our soul.

I'm not a legal guy but one thing is clear any amount of shit sticks and they need to act to stop it now. They must not let the manager or the players have to be the face of their club. I'm sure many fans like me have been inundated with friends who follow other teams jumping all over this with wild insinuations - easy to ignore but not nice to defend from afar.

Finally I know they will try and keep the playing and business side separate but perhaps we will learn a bit from the Villa game. If as with the last UEFA attack they come out and play as if under a siege we will know the exact discussions between owners and team. If the play with apathy or a resignation of the inevitable we should all be worried. I have to think it will be the former. Pep himself has shown signs of fatigue in recent weeks so I just hope he's up for another fight against the integrity of our success.

Hanging onto this bit of hope. Lying to your senior staff about this just doesn't sound like the kind of thing they'd do, based on how they've run the business for a decade or more.

On the other hand, if they've come out this confident and are found guilty, think it has to be the end of the line for a lot of senior figures at the club. They've put it all on the line.

This will galvanise the entire club, more so the players. They’ll be hell bent on retaining the league and going for the CL. Them against the world.

The irony if this nonsense delivers that when it’s meant to ruin us.

Go on Blues!
It does seem City have been singled out. I have not seen all the details but surely the PL should categorically state they scrutinise all clubs to the same extent and pursue any hint of wrongdoing regardless to clarify objectivity.
I do hope City have something on other clubs that may be behind this.
I think we are the only PL club that have to comply with release of so much documentation.
Others the PL could say may also be guilty but as yet they have not been investigated.

In other words proving our point that rules are there only for City to comply with whereas others can, do and always will get away with it.

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