PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

There isn't a PL appeals process for this though is there? I may have gotten confused trying to catch up this morning mind.

Yeah, me too. ???
No PL appeals process
There seems to be an opinion that City could go to the High Court Since the charges amount to accusing the company, auditors and board members of false accounting then I don't see this not being an option
IMHO I don't believe the PL think they can be successful in prosecuting these charges and its either an attempt to "shut-up" the other clubs (US_PL Cartel) or its there to muddy the reputation of the club and try to put an anchor on them to make it more difficult to sign the likes of Bellingham and will eventually die some type of death
The more I speak to people surrounding City, the less I am fretting.

It's as if we already know we will be more than fine.

I'm not going to invest much more angst into this, as everything else is just partisan and misinformed bollocks.

Our summer transfer window could make Chelsea's January one resemble a car jumble.
Hairdoo once again is a voice of reason. We need to calm down and view things as objectively as we can.
This morning many folk are shitting themselves because it appears there is no direct appeal route for City to the High Court.
Now while this may be the situation it does not mean that the case or certain aspects of it won't end up there eventually. It most certainly will, if the PL behaves like some cheerleaders in the media who have effectively declared us guilty already.
what is the point of just asserting stuff. The law is clear (as are the rules) that it would need to be "serious irregularity" causing "substantial injustice to the applicant." This is obviously a high bar, magical or otherwise.
I will not get involved in the nitty gritty of this debate but one thing that I am certain off after my stay on this planet is that the law and rules are never clear.
100% this would NOT qualify as serious irregularity
The fact that he pays money into Arsenal’s bank account every year makes him totally impartial when his club will have insisted on this investigation too?

Flip it round. If it was Arsenal who were charged and he concluded “nothing to see here” that would be a ‘Fair enough moment’?
Thank you to Stefan and Lloyd for their detailed coverage on Monday, which provided some comfort along with a much better understanding of the situation.

One question that comes to mind when considering the length of any case is the overall wider impact on the league.

Stepping back, it's obvious the PL is a worldwide brand and is reliant on astronomical broadcast and sponsorship revenues. There's also the political angle too, with the UAE becoming a major partner in Government projects.

Is there a case that broadcasters, sponsors etc will become hesitant to renew contracts at current levels, if there's a feeling a main competitor/draw is compromised or relegated? Looking at the current spending levels in the league, there's a reliance on these current broadcast contracts.

We've seen repeated references from PL seniors about the 'product', is there an angle a lengthy battle would undermine this?
I think the term here "cheating" which so many outside of City use needs to be defined. Is cheating making up rule after rule to block others competing and investing or is cheating trying your best to prosper while others block and attack you at every opportunity.
I mean for me, cheating is manipulating football's finances over about 30 years to create a self-fulfulling cycle of CL qualification and affording the best players (see also the Premier League compared to the Football League). But it's cheating out in the open. We just had some bullshit post from a bitter Arsenal fan on another thread that got deleted. This is a club that used to finish 4th every year, but when the CL draw came around, they'd find themselves top seeds again and be given a group they were almost guaranteed to qualify from. And then of course get knocked out by the first team that actually qualified on merit rather than coefficient points.

I guess it's similar to corruption. When a big company gives money to a politician in exchange for a favour in the developing world, we call it corruption. In the west, we make it legal and call it lobbying.

FFP is a protectionist racket designed to maintain the status quo, and as such, I've never had any problem with our club getting past it on a technicality. I always cheer people getting around unjust rules without technically breaking them. Hopefully that's what we've done.
It seems bizarre that the fact we can't appeal (many seem to be claiming) is their strongest hand rather than the actual "case" against us.
Truly bizarre stance but I suppose understandable. This individual is a tarnished Belgian politician who steered what became a huge public failure for UEFA. Frankly, he’s already demonstrated his own poor judgement and lack of competence. No wonder Ceferin offered City a deal.
It's a bit of an apple and orange situation but take a look at Real Madrid and how they have always been proactive with issues regarding the image of the club and their players. Just recently, Vinicius was racially insulted again and RM went to court to ask for punishments for the club and their fans and to also ask for more protection for Vinicius. They weren't trying to single out the good batch from the bad batch as we tend to when the barbaric dippers assault us for the 9999.99th time, rather they wanted a punishment that would teach every and anyone associated with Mallorca a lesson.

We need to understand that sometimes being quite doesn't necessarily translate to being the bigger man or taking the high road, sometimes silence could give the wrong impression and most of those clueless dumbfucks commenting on that article are either interested in seeing their club reap where they haven't sown by picking up our trophies and players, while the other half are just sheeps that have been easily manipulated by the media.

Either way, we need to start being proactive. As it stands now we aren't even reactive just fucking docile. How long are we going to walk on eggshells? Shit like this comes up and instead of putting up a defiant strong image, we fall back while some bullshit clause about "Pep walking away if the club has been dishonest" is being talked about.
But none of this stuff they’re constantly talking about makes it real or means it will come to pass, nor are we in Real Madrid’s position. They’re like the rags or dippers, able to bully whoever they want because of their media establishment ties. The other side is that neutrals are beginning to see this campaign as the witch hunt it is. There’s very little respect for the gutter media from your average Joe in this country. If we we’re arguing with everything they said openly or inferred, we’d never stop and it would drag us down to their level. There will come a time when this is over and we get our hit. I just hope football hasn’t morphed into the super league when that time comes.
nick de marco says case could last 4 years
Can't tell if he just said that in jest (assuming you're referring to his tweet yesterday?), but if it does take anything like that long then there's little point fretting about it now. A lot can happen in that time. Laughable that some clubs apparently want it to be concluded before the end of this season though.

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