PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Hudds fan in peace.

Now the dust has settled a little bit I just wanted to pop on and say that not everyone is against you. I have been non-stop fighting your corner to all and sundry since the news broke as, at least as far as I'm concerned, this is nothing but a shady attempt at a monumental stitch up, and it's pretty clear who the accusers are, even if it is being disguised under the Premier League banner...all the other bits of news that have broken since do nothing but underline that belief. At least it helped them get that little rat Greenwood out of the headlines for a bit...

Beggars belief to me that a club with a £500million deficit on the bottom line of their bank statement can throw shade at a club with zero debt whatsoever. Stinks in all honesty.

I would normally end something like this by wishing you luck, but you'll fight this and you'll win this. You'll never lose the particular tags in the eyes of certain people, but fuck 'em. I'll come back when all this is done and drink a pint of their salty tears with you all. Get into them City.
That's just so they can charge phone calls, if its anything like where I worked. :)

All I know is that its a bit galling to be told the company can only 'afford' a staff 3% pay rise... and the next week one of the partners is asking if any of the staff want to nip across to the car park over the road to have a look at her new Porsche...
Oh yeah like the Arsenal fan on the overlap counting on his fingers how many player we bought of them and if they kept them it would have all been different! My answer to that is Man City don’t sell players they want to keep Arsenal are a big club why didn’t they keep them? Fans are bias by nature and one eyed..
He’s a tit that Robbie. Got himself a you tube channel and now he’s a holy voice on football goings on? Dick head. Don’t know how two sips kept his shit together cause I’ve told him to go back crying on you tube. Tit.
From the BBC, is Kevin Parker really the GS of the supporters club?? If so would he (or any City fan) say that the past achievements would be tainted??
What a fuckin dickhead!

With defeatist, surrender monkey fans like this, who the fuck needs Rags, Dippers, Gooners & Spuds haters! :-/
Oh yeah like the Arsenal fan on the overlap counting on his fingers how many player we bought of them and if they kept them it would of all been different! My answer to that is Man City don’t sell players they want to keep Arsenal are a big club why didn’t they keep them? Fans are bias by nature and one eyed..
Hilarious seeing Arsenal fans say that.

Taking those signings one by one. They were actively looking to offload Adebayor and must've been delighted when we coughed up that much money for him. It was mooted that Kolo wasn't quite the same quality player he was before he contracted malaria so that's another player that they were happy to sell to us. Granted Nasri was one that they were probably looking to keep. I don't think they were arsed about Clichy either way (I actually believe that of all the ex-Arsenal players we signed, he turned out to be the best value signing by far though and I see him as one of our unsung heroes), and Sagna was out of contract whose best days were behind him.
...she was partly responsible for that - by making the main opposition party look so utterly financially incompetent that they wouldn't have a hope in hell of getting elected. Of course, employing a woke, Europe flip flopping, albert steptoe as leader didn't help either.

He’s a tit that Robbie. Got himself a you tube channel and now he’s a holy voice on football goings on? Dick head. Don’t know how two sips kept his shit together cause I’ve told him to go back crying on you tube. Tit.

He is a tit,you are spot on,fucking going on about Kolo,Nasri and Clichy,they left their shit club to come and win trophies,which they did,fucking wanker him,and his fucking youtube bellend mates,and the other **** whose just come out of nick
Can’t agree more with that last paragraph & the delay got me thinking, we are supporters of new governance, am I right in thinking the only 1 of the big 6 ? and there doesn’t or hasn’t appeared to be, a good reason for the delay ? So I just wonder if those behind the White paper are re-drafting it to cover in more detail ffp, the process of appeals, and other related issues, which may in turn benefit us legally. There’s no doubt these charges where rushed out ahead of the publication of the white paper, but the PL may have snookered themselves

Stuck their neck in the noose, standing on the trap door,would be my preferred vision for their future

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