PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules


During your intel gathering have you heard anything about the Independent Footie Regulator. Last I read a month or so back was that the gvmt had concluded it’s consultation, had prepared a White Paper and would debate the matter when Parliamentary time allowed.
Could easily see it kicked forward to beyond the next election?.
No such insight on that time frame mate.
They weren't relegated to anywhere, they ceased to exist. This conversation has came up so many times on here and I don't know why, it's beyond apples and oranges here.

Allowing a new club to start higher up the pyramid to the detriment of clubs who fairly earned promotion that same season would have been unequivocally wrong. It wasn't a punishment, they were treated how any new club would be treated. Infact, if anything, they were given preferential treatment over The Spartans (IIRC) who were a lowland league outfit at the time and perhaps where Rangers should have been placed - see Gretna.

What I will say is that if we're convicted of having done what we're alleged then we deserve to be serverely punished. I trust the club that we are not guilty in this respect though and this is no more than a witch hunt brought on by a stinking cartel who will undoubtedly have plenty of dirty laundry of their own.
Agree with a lot you say , but Rangers starting out in the lowest division damaged Scottish football immeasurably for years you could have given the title to Celtic every August , its nearly always been a two horse race and i used to watch a lot of the Old Firm games , since the Rangers demotion i have never watched Scottish football since. Whether it is fair or unfair for them to start in a higher division is debatable , but it was wrong for Scottsh football , the SFL chairman twenty odd of them , had the chance to kick Rangers and their fans whilst they were down and they did it with glee.
David Longmuir stated it was a decision taken in "football fairness" what a load of shite,it ruined a lot of Scottish clubs biggest pay day for years. The club might have been run by crooks but their fans didnt deserve four seasons of purgatory, but credit to Rangers fans , like oursleves , they stuck with their club and drew 40,000 crowds playing cannon fodder.
Liquidation isn't a punishment though? The footballing authorities have absolutely zero say in whether a business liquidates or not.

They were liquidated as a consequence of financial mismanagement which meant that they could no longer afford to survive.

I'm baffled that some are seeing any kind of similarities to our own predicament here.
Its a simple comparison if we are relegated to the third division it would de-value the Premier league the best manager in the world and loads of world class players probably leaving these shores , Rangers abscence from the top flight affected the finances of Scottish football massively for years its the damage caused which is the similarity not the accusations. When the the 29 clubs voted against Rangers dropping only one division it was like Turkeys voting for Christmas , f*cking idiots.
Either they were not punished or it’s a new club, you can’t have it both ways.

They had to start again due to liquidation.
Then had to start again in the fourth tier (with automatic points deduction IIRC due to liquidation) after the clubs in that league voted to allow them in.

Werr they ever punished by a disciplinary panel?
Either way, I don't see us being in a Rangers type situation.

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