PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The ones I saw about the funding are definitely not new.
So coming from a deceitful starting point.
You do have to wonder why someone would write deceitfully at such length .Could be clicks or else somebody is making it worth his while.

Your last line resonates. There’s an orchestrated dirty tricks campaign and someone is persistently stoking this up.
A quick word of advice. Don't get bogged down in all the detail that is suddenly appearing from suspect sources, even if it reliably reconstitutes what is publicly available.

No-one knows what the detail means if they don't know what the counter-evidence is. And we have been here before with UEFA. They only had the publicly available "evidence" and it all looked pretty incriminating until it suddenly didn't.

Bottom line. They still won't have access to any substantial evidence that proves the most serious charges and, by that, I mean Etihad. Without that, the true and fair issues go away and so do the FFP issues. Nothing substantial left after that.
Hi mate not been on for a few days.

Has something new popped up? Seems to be a huge number of posts since I was last on?
Your last line resonates. There’s an orchestrated dirty tricks campaign and someone is persistently stoking this up.
I’d be very surprised if the club aren’t aware of exactly who is behind it. There will be a time and a place to deal with it - remember when Khaldoon said he would speak when the time is right? It was the look on his face when he said it
The guy has put a lot of work in. I got asked about it and I don't want any lack of response to be a suggestion it has lots of great points.

I think he genuinely does believe City are fcked. But so what? I read enough to know a lot of it was sound reading of the emails presented - much of that reading wouldn't be disputed by City. The emails say what the emails say. But I am not spending the time going through 25 long posts and responding line by line. The fundamental misunderstanding is how these trials work, the documents that will likely be available (lots), the importance of witness evidence, the submissions of the defence barristers etc.

It is not Nick Harris. Most likely a young American lawyer or law student.
Given the awful state of his last screed, which you so quickly dismantled, I very much doubt the most recent one is his own work. More likely, someone else’s work that was given him to publish (some obvious differences in writing styles too).
I don't have the time or inclination to read everything that Magic tw*t posted. I skim read a lot of it and it's very obvious he's keen to pick out information that supports his world view on the issue whilst ignoring anything that doesn't fit the narrative he wants to build.

I look at this from a very simple premise Do I believe that our owners went out of their way to deliberately circumvent the rules and that tens of people in senior levels at the club, tens of people in the audit teams at Deloitte and tens of people on all.the boards of our sponsors all colluded together to falsify our accounts, their accounts and Deloitte themselves all lied and.were part of the cover up.

No I do not it's all political PR bullshit designed to hinder our growth and appeal to worldwide audiences
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The guy has put a lot of work in. I got asked about it and I don't want any lack of response to be a suggestion it has lots of great points.

I think he genuinely does believe City are fcked. But so what? I read enough to know a lot of it was sound reading of the emails presented - much of that reading wouldn't be disputed by City. The emails say what the emails say. But I am not spending the time going through 25 long posts and responding line by line. The fundamental misunderstanding is how these trials work, the documents that will likely be available (lots), the importance of witness evidence, the submissions of the defence barristers etc.

It is not Nick Harris. Most likely a young American lawyer or law student.
I've just done a delve into Nick Harris twitter. It HAS to be him. There's too many similarities. Whether it's using 4/n and 5)n in threads, to the use of graphs/screenshots in exactly the same style.. To engaging so quickly and openly with the account too at the same time Nick went very quiet.

Too many red flags for me.
I've just done a delve into Nick Harris twitter. It HAS to be him. There's too many similarities. Whether it's using 4/n and 5)n in threads, to the use of graphs/screenshots in exactly the same style.. To engaging so quickly and openly with the account too at the same time Nick went very quiet.

Too many red flags for me.
MagicHat blocked me when I disagreed with him and showed him up. Something which Nick Harris does.
I've just done a delve into Nick Harris twitter. It HAS to be him. There's too many similarities. Whether it's using 4/n and 5)n in threads, to the use of graphs/screenshots in exactly the same style.. To engaging so quickly and openly with the account too at the same time Nick went very quiet.

Too many red flags for me.
Well lets hope it is him, cos if it is we can immediately reject it as a load of deranged city hating unhinged biased nonsense
I spent half an hour skimming through the batch of emails assembled by our friend Magic Hat/Twat.
What struck me was the absolute routine nature of the various exchanges both within CFG and with Sponsors. No sense whatsoever of any conspiracy to conceal, deceive or defraud. Having been intimately aware of Companies who have (ahem) “pushed the envelope” a little, these emails don’t fit the bill at all. All very open and unguarded about who pays for what, when and how. The various authors clearly had no sense that they were doing anything untoward beyond financial tracking and administration. City’s owner was building a multi-national, multi-club football business from scratch. It was also a flagship “Abu Dhabi” enterprise and its Companies like Etihad and Etisalat wanted to be on-board. This is a different business culture at work. It is not Anglo-Saxon capitalism. It’s much more like a collaborative network following a common purpose than any sinister fraudulent plot. Having seen this batch of emails, I’m even less concerned than I was before. The PL and (old)UEFA don’t like it but it’s not illegal or evidence that rules have been broken.

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