PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

If this request is correct then it's hard to see the hearing going ahead in November this year unless it's not actually germane to it.

To have all mails, texts, WhatsApps etc relating to City from every club that has been in the PL since 2009 produced to the IC, the club or both is in itself a huge task. That information will then need to be forensically examined to determine if whatever is being looked for is proven or not. It's something you would have thought would have been demanded at the outset.
Seems a strange one this (possibly in a good way).

I don’t see how conversations between Masters/Scudamore and directors or other clubs etc has any bearing on whether City have submitted false accounts.

They’re either false or they aren’t, regardless of whether there is a cartel working against the club.
Disclosure is a normal legal process in such cases…..but I think what they are looking for is evidence of a stitch up or collusion by the PL and other clubs

I might add that I’ve been involved in two corporate legal cases where disclosure process has been used to examine emails and text messages…..
Who still has text messages from 15 years ago?
Lol, I have never sent a text message in my life.

Thankfully I dont work for the pl in their "plot against City dept" so hopefully there will still be plenty for our legal team to peruse.

I have "received" loads of texts though(from customers mostly) and do read them, I always envisage the sender standing staring at their phone waiting for a reply.

I normally ring them back when its convenient, to actually speak.

Speaking directly is a great communications medium you know.

Even if its now a poor second to reading shortened script off a tiny screen.

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