Well-Known Member
Yaya declined those offers because he would have to take pay cut. How would you feel if you were told you could leave but you have to leave £10M on the table? That isn't much of a choice is it?
It's going to effect the club reputation because it seems to be very vindictive to keep a player around when he is absolutely not in your plans. This would be understandable if Yaya was going to be squad player and had value to the club, but all signs point to him not getting minimal game time. You are going to pay him the full amount anyway, why not pay less for him to go somewhere, and avoid distraction + ugliness especially when its a player who has had very big influence on where the club is today?
It won't affect the clubs reputation in my eyes but then I support the club not individual players. He should have gone when he allowed his agent to slag the club over his brother and cake gate. He is already richer than croesus, they had offers I suspect they just gambled and lost. I am delighted in what he offered on the pitch for us in his prime , but I am disgusted in what he has allowed his employee say about us to the press etc.