Platini {merged}

Re: Platini plans to make sure 'clubs like City' dont join elite

Neville Kneville said:
This is so disgusting I can barely believe the bloke's come up with it. It's basically saying they're going to try to protect the usual cartel by making whatever they do correct & proper & making whatever we do incorrect.

You know what? I recon this is the kind of thing that could really piss the sheikh off. I can potentially see this being tied up in the courts for about 200 years.
just think how many trophys we could win in 200 years while waiting to get baned from europe
Re: Platini plans to make sure 'clubs like City' dont join elite

So Utd. get registered offshore and nobody will be able to look at their accounts.
Abramovich buys another stake in Chelsea for 500M.
Arsenal continue as before.
Liverpool send Mr. S. Gerrard to entertains Msr. Platini personally at a late night hostelry in Southport.
Real Madrid arrange to sell all their grass cuttings to the Spanish Govt. at €1 per blade of grass.
Barcelona sell Messi to City for €1billion.
Wolfsburg invade EUFA with goodwill messages in brown envelopes addressed to Sepp Blatter personally.
AC Milan host a special conference at Berlosconis' Sardinian holiday home , with several football hostesses per delegate.
City build a 70,000 seater stadium and sell out their season ticket allocation every year along with the honoury boxes at £10M per season to ADUG, Ethihad, Umbro etc. delivering phenominal reciepts.
Problem solved.
Well like others I'm sick of this man. But even in the worse case scenario and this comes in you're still talking 2012. I assume thats the start of the 2012 season. So thats still three years away minimum! Our owners haven't even been in charge of the club for 12 months yet, and look at the transformation. They have at least another 1095 days to sort the club/team before this clown trys to bring this in which is totally illegal anyway!!! No worries at all!
This really annoys me.

It is yet another sop to clubs like United to ensure they are protected as they are the big footballing brands ergo box office for UEFA.

Anyone remember United getting knocked out early in the European Cup by Galatassaray followed by a rule change to seed teams in the draw in order to help them advance? They were knocked out again by Galatassaray so it was changed into a Champions League. When they failed to qualify again, the rules were changed to seed the Chapions League.

I'll never forget the arrogance of Bobby Charlton who said "Who wants to see Steaua Bucharest in a final?" Well actually Bobby, I do if they have worked hard and deserved to get there.

(To be honest, I find the Champions League boring as hell and would much prefer a return to a Cup knockout)
Well as platini hasn't meet our owner he should take a trip to the U.A.E. I'm sure as our owner is also the internal security minister could find him a cell in the Emirates for a few years or maybe forever
Platini has zero control over the premiership. If we get in the top 4 we could be warned or fined or thrown out of the CL. The first two are fine. If we get thrown out then we can really splash the cash and win the Prem every year as other clubs (who need the CL money) reign in their spending.

See Platini? Your idea doesn't work. You cannot control us by blackmail.
Bank of Abu Dhabi loans £500m to City at a 0.00000000000001% p.a. interest rate, payable back over 1,000,000 years - sorted, we can service that debt for a million years I guess :-)
To be fair to the OP, the article he quoted does not bear much resemblance to the original article I read earlier today.

I really can't be bothered sprouting it out at length, but it is not as bad as 442 may have you believe, 442 being the quoted article.

UEFA have disbanded the G14, as they recognise the influence those clubs have had in European football and the cash cow it has created for the clubs involved, and they are trying to think of ways of making the competition more open.

UEFA are concerned about the levels of debt some clubs are incurring in order to guarantee champions league football. There was more, but Manchester City were not mentioned. If anything, we are better placed than any other club in Europe!

I wish I could remember where I read the original article, but I can't. I was reading it with a keen interest regarding our situation, and I read nothing at all to to think it would impact City.

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