Player thread: Dedryck Boyata (2013/14)

How this player got in ahead of Nastasic is beyond me. I like Dedryk, but Nastasic with one leg is better than him. Imagine the slaughtering he would have got if he made his debut away at Real Madrid like Nastasic did. I would take a home grown fowl instead of him.
Cobwebcat said:
Never been a fan. How did he do today?
Just a totally average performance from a totally average player in a team playing terribly so that made it look like he played alright when in reality, other than a few well read interceptions or tackles and a few good headers, he was clumsy, took weird big strides into some tackles that left him looking foolish and some very slow and underhit passing.
mrtwiceaseason said:
Pablo1 said:
FantasyIreland said:
I thought he played well,i don't understand the criticism above.

He was composed on the ball,strong in the challenge and covered the ground well.It cant have been easy playing alongside Kompany,he was all over the shop today and should not have played.

As a 4th choice centre half we will struggle to find better,especially someone content to play that role..
He was anything but composed on the ball in the second half, he was nervous, gifted possession a couple of times and looked lost when Middlesbrough came at us. As for your other positives, I'll have to watch the game again because From where I sit it didn't seem like he was in many situations that led him to be strong in the tackle and I'm not sure what covering a lot of ground actually means?.
The only thing I agree with is the fact his team mates either side were equally terrible. Not one of the back four came out of that game with any credit, to a man they were awful (I'm only talking second half here btw as we didn't seem to be put under much pressure at all in the first)
Assume your talking about kompany ? Boyata by far the better of the two centre halves today
Kompany being the worse of the two doesn't automatically mean Boyata played well. A few on this thread have tried to use that as a defence when really it isn't really significant.
The whole back four were terrible in the second half, don't think it matters who was the best of a shit bunch.
jauganaut said:
How this player got in ahead of Nastasic is beyond me. I like Dedryk, but Nastasic with one leg is better than him. Imagine the slaughtering he would have got if he made his debut away at Real Madrid like Nastasic did. I would take a home grown fowl instead of him.

I'm not sure how he got a squad place over Nasty. I thought Nasty looked a much better player.

I thought DB did OK today, looked clumsy at times but didn't do too badly. I don't think he is at the standard we should be looking at though.
He was fine. Did well. People on the match day thread were busy making fun of him as Kompany was busy making mistakes all over the field. He had a good game. Covered well for Kompany. Won most of his challenges, and got out of a few tight spots confidently.
People here slating Boyata yet support Mangala shiting all over the place...good grief. Boyata didn't cost over 32 million, was asked to come in today beside a dodgy Kompany and some people here are giving him stick??? Yet Mangala has had far more consistently poor games yet it's "give him time"...piss off.
I'm starting to think some people here defend the dodgy signings as they know they are that and too afraid to all admit it in case fans from another side are lurking.
Truth is we have signed nobody of note since Aguero in July 2011...that's four bloody years ago nearly
Not the worst player City have had but now we should surely start looking at our current U21 squad for backups that fill the home grown quota surely.
Wio Gumflapdinand said:
People here slating Boyata yet support Mangala shiting all over the place...good grief. Boyata didn't cost over 32 million, was asked to come in today beside a dodgy Kompany and some people here are giving him stick??? Yet Mangala has had far more consistently poor games yet it's "give him time"...piss off.
I'm starting to think some people here defend the dodgy signings as they know they are that and too afraid to all admit it in case fans from another side are lurking.
Truth is we have signed nobody of note since Aguero in July 2011...that's four bloody years ago nearly

Works both ways. Mangala has had to cover for a very dodgy Kolorov and Company.
He is what he is, average 4th choice back up.

Stupidly Pellegrini thought playing him when Demichellis was fit was a good idea.

After the defensive fuck ups in recent weeks, the defence and keeper should have been the one to face Chelsea. Schoolboy error from Pellegrini.

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