Player thread: James Milner (2014/15)

Sorry to see him go in a couple of ways i.e. home grown and seems to be a decent lad who integrated well within the group but always been a bit Ian Brightwell for me, dependable and hard working and occasionally did great things but too inconsistent to be top class. However, I wish him well as he rarely gave less than his all.
The way I see it is like this

Realistically how much game time would Jimmy get if we got our main targets Pogba, De Bruyne & Sterling?

Then factor in next season...then the next

Jimmy has been playing a lot of games for us but it will only be downhill from here on in

Elsewhere he may still play every week

That has to be a big draw for a hardworking and focused individual like Jim

He's no Danny Mills nor does he want to be
I can't fault his commitment, what I do question is his hunger and desire to win trophies. He's already a multi-millionaire and he strikes me as a sensible bloke who is unlikely to blow all his money within a couple of years of retiring.
If it was me, with all that money in the bank, then the most important thing would be to win as much as I possibly could before I retire.
He's no fool, he knows his best chance of medals is staying at City. He will win nothing at Liverpool.
I suppose he can laminate his bank statements and Liverpool wage slips and stick them on the wall above his trophy cabinet.

I can only assume that in the wake of Gerrard going to the US, the Dippers have promised Milner he'll be their new star man.... he'll win nothing, but wow - hero of the kop! Give you're head a wobble Milner lad, career suicide this!
He can see the writing is on the wall for him given the likely arrival of a couple of high quality midfielders in the summer.
He can't be blamed for cutting himself the best possible deal financially either.
Pity as there is no question we need worker bees as well as superstars in our team.
Good luck to him in the future, he deserves it, he has served City well. I dont think he should go but I guess he is looking at getting more games (For Liverpool) considering City will be bringing in fresh blood
I can see why he wants a move.

If we strengthen with even one player in midfield and Yaya stays, as is looking the case, Jimmy won't play until we need to sure a game up, or through injuries. I wouldn't want to play that role either at 29 years old, he's probably got 3 seasons playing at a top level, then his decline.

If he can't get a move, on similar money and a hefty signing on fee, to a club like Liverpool he should take it. He'll be a hero for them, he won't win much, possibly a cup, and he'll play every week. He doesn't need to uproot his family and it satisfies his desire to move.

Selfishly I'd love him to stay, I like Milner, I rate him, but if we do strengthen with an international class young midfielder, he just won't get the game time.

Good luck Jimmy, wherever you go, you've been terrific for City since day one.
I wish the boy no ill whatsoever. He has never let us down when picked and no doubt has been as useful off the pitch as he has been on it.

Whilst I don't want him to go, you get the feeling the decision has been very long in the offing. He came, played his 5 years, won a few trophies and now is moving on. Given how calculated and regimented he appears to be it's entirely plausible that this was his plan all along. Four/Five years. Evaluate, Move. He's not a City fan and in his book he's probably given us an entirely appropriate amount of loyalty and wants to experience something new. He's never been a stalwart of one club, so I don't know way so many believe that he was going to start now. The only thing I am surprised is that he didn't have a pre-contract agreement elsewhere sooner. At nearly thirty a serious injury between January and now would have really dropped him in it. However that is hypothetical and didn't happen so there is little point dwelling on it.

Personally I think going to Liverpool would be a big mistake. He's not going to win anything personally, and it's pretty unlikely he'll give Liverpool a sufficient boost to get back into the top four (unless also strengthened in a host of other areas). He's a solid top six player, but he isn't the difference between top six and top four. If you'd told me I had to keep Yaya or Milner, but not both, I'd have been looking up train times to Merseyside for him [before people point it out I'm aware we could have kept both, but I'm just making a point about team significance from my perspective].

However it is his potential mistake to make, he will know the risks and given how hard he's worked for us I'll defend his right to make until I'm blue in the face.

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