Player thread: Vincent Kompany (2014/15)

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In my opinion Vince has been overrated by many City fans but also by the media. He is an imposing sort of guy. Immense physical presence, and articulate to boot.

But his distribution is appalling and for every wonderful breakup in play and forward surge there are also the silly fouls, yellow and red cards.

The reality is he is a good player, but there have been plenty of better defenders during the PL era. And as for comparisons with Baresi etc, forget it.
He does seem to have regressed from the form he was showing in our first title season. He is now prone to making rash/silly challenges now, something he never used to do. We need the old Vinnie back ASAP.
He looks to cosy, & also very angry that leads to him making the wrong choice , case in Point the two goals i would put down to him plus he puts the team at risk he could easy have been sent off yesterday! that would have put us under even more pressure. get back to basics Vinny.. do what you have done in the past lead from the front.

There are not enough leaders in the team by the way.. so many looked flat footed yesterday..

jimharri said:
He does seem to have regressed from the form he was showing in our first title season. He is now prone to making rash/silly challenges now, something he never used to do. We need the old Vinnie back ASAP.
Danny Murphy on talksport questioned the length of Vinny's new contract and wondered if he would slip into a comfort zone .
He was slagged off but maybe he had a point ?
jimharri said:
He does seem to have regressed from the form he was showing in our first title season. He is now prone to making rash/silly challenges now, something he never used to do. We need the old Vinnie back ASAP.

He's always had those silly/rash challenges in him. They were there during our first title win, there the following season, and there last season. But he is still the best centre half in the league by some distance. His performance yesterday was simply about a lack of match sharpness rather than some terminal problem in his game.
Maybe if we had someone decent sat in front of the back four we wouldnt be questioning the form of our centre backs so much? My biggest complaint is about them being dragged out of position and typically it is them being dragged into the spaces in front of the defence, we see it regularly from Kompany and also Mangala. Maybe they wouldnt do that so often if Fernando didnt have the positional sense of a cucumber?
Fernano has been with us 6 month... we have under that time not had a settled back for 4.Vinny is the capt,, yesterday at the free kick it was up to him to sort out the positions who marked who when you Think it was their number 9 who scored were were our cb .Expecting Fernando to mark Giroud is a mismatch for set-pieces

Running to the halfway line then slipping cost us a goal.. rash challenges after you are booked added together with being gobby at the ref !! he was very lucky yesterday.

OrigamiNinja said:
Maybe if we had someone decent sat in front of the back four we wouldnt be questioning the form of our centre backs so much? My biggest complaint is about them being dragged out of position and typically it is them being dragged into the spaces in front of the defence, we see it regularly from Kompany and also Mangala. Maybe they wouldnt do that so often if Fernando didnt have the positional sense of a cucumber?
No doubt Vinnie's form has not been so great this season, not helped by not having a decent long run without injury, but the same could be said for all the defenders, Zabba's form hasn't been up to its usual standard and Mangala has been asked a lot for a new defender in this league. If we could just have a stable unit for a decent period (like Chelsea with their injury proof defence) then I'm sure we'd see better performances from the defence. As an example the 2nd goal yesterday when some stood to play offside but Fernando and Lampard dropped back, these are communication issues which are easier managed when the same players are playing at the back week in-week out
jimharri said:
He does seem to have regressed from the form he was showing in our first title season. He is now prone to making rash/silly challenges now, something he never used to do. We need the old Vinnie back ASAP.

Agree. That Kompany-Lescott partnership in that season was great. Its probably because the system we played under Mancini in that year really made the defenders even Lescott look better than they actually were.

In 12-13 and 13-14 season Kompany also didnt look as good as in that season. Also pretty injury prone since that season. He became a guy we can play about 25 times a season in league out of 38 games. And some of those games are where he actually gets injured or right after he is coming back from injuries so isnt in ideal shape like yesterday.
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