Player Topic: Vincent Kompany (2015/16)

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Following MP's press conference comments, I don't agree with the apparent adversarial approach we seem to be taking with VK.

Mancini had this approach and apparently led to some alienation in the dressing room, leading to his sacking. Most players want to represent their country as much as their club.

I thought MP would strive to create harmony in the squad.
Then if it happens again we know where the problem lies. Captain fantastic or no captain fantastic, the moment you let a player dictate from the dressing room is when problems occur. Look over the road with Shrek. We have two other very good CB's in Mangala and Otamendi, both of whom don't come with the recent injury problems of Vinny. If he wants to play silly cunts again then he can happily do so in an opposing teams dressing room. I love Vincent, but I love the club more.
Then if it happens again we know where the problem lies. Captain fantastic or no captain fantastic, the moment you let a player dictate from the dressing room is when problems occur. Look over the road with Shrek. We have two other very good CB's in Mangala and Otamendi, both of whom don't come with the recent injury problems of Vinny. If he wants to play silly cunts again then he can happily do so in an opposing teams dressing room. I love Vincent, but I love the club more.

We should back the coach and the club. Captain he ain't, à fine example of self.
I back Vinny on this all the way. Let's face it, if he knew he wasn't fit, he wouldn't play - simple as that.

The only thing that annoys me a bit is that it was a nothing game as Belgium had already qualified. A positive though is that he has valuable minutes in the legs which should enable him to bed into our back four a lot quicker - the games build up match fitness for a pro.

They go into the Euros as number one ranked team, Vince must be champing at the bit to get there. Wilmots is a disciplinarian, not too dissimilar in LVG to his approach - if Vinny doesn't play then Wilmots has it in him to take away the captaincy.

Just got to trust that he knows his own body and there is no doubt how much he loves this club. I know for a fact I'd do the exact same in his shoes. Now let's back our Captain and move forward to another title as a unit.
mmmmm thought this would happen,as predicted earlier in the week,although a couple argued back at me with different thoughts
I was one.I wasn't in possession of the facts and neither were you,as such.....I gave Vinny the benefit of the doubt.....

Hearing it from the horses mouth.....i'm disappointed in both Kompany and his wanker National manager.
Imagine Kompany spitting his dummy out at Wilmots when he's picked in the 11 hahahaha. Bye bye Euros.

It is annoying from a club level but certainly not out of order from the player.
If Pellegrini benches him over this then he needs a fucking slap. It's ok playing billy big bollocks if we have the strength in depth but we don't. Our defence has been a fucking joke the last few games and if Kompany is fit then he should play. End of story.
If Pellegrini benches him over this then he needs a fucking slap. It's ok playing billy big bollocks if we have the strength in depth but we don't. Our defence has been a fucking joke the last few games and if Kompany is fit then he should play. End of story.

Is the correct answer
Also it will just cause a shitstorm.
If Kompany is named on the bench it sounds like a case of Manual cutting the team's nose off to spite its face...
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