Player topic: Yaya Toure 2014/15 (continued)

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I personally still think his summer antics spread discontent amongst the squad. This led to a corrosive breakdown of team spirit and respect for the management which is a major contributory factor to our poor Season.
The Management should have taken control of him and his agent last summer ,instead they humoured them and surprise surprise here we go again.
dobobobo said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Blue Mooner said:
If you were told you were not wanted by the fans of the club you played for, how would you react ?

Why do people not pick up on the following quotes ' Mancini is a mentor for me, he is a special coach. It is no secret that I loved the time when he was boss here, in the same way I love playing for city today

'As I have said before I owe it to the City fans to fight just until the end of my career at this club'

As someone said earlier it is physiologically I don't believe to be THE best midfielder in the premier league in 2014 then decline to be as some would have you believe a liability in 2015.

Anyone remember when the rags were booing Ryan Giggs back in 2003 ? If only they had managed to force him out of the club.

Yaya Toure has Jerome Boateng written all over it. Some City fans just do not appreciate qualiy even if it smacked them in the face.

As for letting him go for 10m !!? Do me a favour, what sort of charity do you think MCFC are ? As for saving his wages you won't save all his wages as you have to pay someone else, even if they are a lesser light you my save 3-4 million. Pittance when you are losing a player of his quality and experience and buying an unknown entity in the premier league.

Couldn't agree more. Some people just won't let it go now though. He played well on Saturday yet straight away posters were saying it was only because West Ham allowed us to play. At the same time, the very average Milner is lauded yet has told everyone in his actions, or lack of actions how he feels about playing for us.

The reason for his slide in form this season is because our inept manager doesn't know how to best use him. Our style was sussed out a year ago and he hasn't been able to change it to suit the players.

Milner keeps his mouth shut, if Yaya kept his mouth shut this thread wouldn't be at the top of the list most days.

Talk as much as you want in his favour, but the tide had turned.

I will. He has been our most important player for me since the takeover. It will be him who I remember in years to come not average joe's like Milner.
I am disappointed in Peller for scapegoating the most important player in our history. No wonder his camp keep mentioning that Mancini was a top coach.

Yes Yaya hasn't been the same player this season but that's no surprise given he's been at both the World Cup and ACON.

I like Pellers but I don't like the way he's trying to cover his own arse!
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
dobobobo said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Couldn't agree more. Some people just won't let it go now though. He played well on Saturday yet straight away posters were saying it was only because West Ham allowed us to play. At the same time, the very average Milner is lauded yet has told everyone in his actions, or lack of actions how he feels about playing for us.

The reason for his slide in form this season is because our inept manager doesn't know how to best use him. Our style was sussed out a year ago and he hasn't been able to change it to suit the players.

Milner keeps his mouth shut, if Yaya kept his mouth shut this thread wouldn't be at the top of the list most days.

Talk as much as you want in his favour, but the tide had turned.

I will. He has been our most important player for me since the takeover. It will be him who I remember in years to come not average joe's like Milner.

That's absolutely fine, but like I say the tide you are fighting against is simply down to the fact that Yaya is a **** when it comes to attitude. In my view he is too thick to choose another agent who wouldn't press Yaya's button so they can make money from it. Different agent and - in my view - the chances are we would be wishing Yaya farewell with a tear in our eyes.
I think its best for everyone if Yaya was moved on. I can't be arsed to support someone who only turns up in a handful of games. As for his lowlife agent, he can go to hell.
I'd sell him for the right price, unless he begged to retire as a blue - and I mean begged, publicly. In front of the town hall. Then he'd have to sign a disclaimer and promise highlighting how he'd give it all and be prepared to sit on the bench from time to time or even miss the odd birthday treat in order to further our club as a whole.
Whether he stays or not, the lasting memory for me will be his goal at Wembley that knocked the scum out of the FA Cup semi final.
I'm no cynic said:
Blue Mooner said:
If you were told you were not wanted by the fans of the club you played for, how would you react ?

Why do people not pick up on the following quotes ' Mancini is a mentor for me, he is a special coach. It is no secret that I loved the time when he was boss here, in the same way I love playing for city today

'As I have said before I owe it to the City fans to fight just until the end of my career at this club'

As someone said earlier it is physiologically I don't believe to be THE best midfielder in the premier league in 2014 then decline to be as some would have you believe a liability in 2015.

Anyone remember when the rags were booing Ryan Giggs back in 2003 ? If only they had managed to force him out of the club.

Yaya Toure has Jerome Boateng written all over it. Some City fans just do not appreciate qualiy even if it smacked them in the face.

As for letting him go for 10m !!? Do me a favour, what sort of charity do you think MCFC are ? As for saving his wages you won't save all his wages as you have to pay someone else, even if they are a lesser light you my save 3-4 million. Pittance when you are losing a player of his quality and experience and buying an unknown entity in the premier league.
The day that Yaya leaves this club, you can be sure that all this "love playing for City" and "I owe it to the City fans to fight" talk will immediately become ditched and his rhetoric will become the same as all those others over these past few years who have seen an end to their lucrative times at this club. Guaranteed.

Do you not ever question 'why' that may be? If you were called a 'c*nt' continully would you hold any fond memories fo your place of work ?

I fail to understand the mentality of some City fans, how come the rags can let bygones be bygones with Rooney and yet if any City player dare to suggest that he may even be remotely prepared to look for another club, even when he is being slagged off, then some City fans just can't let it go, refuse to even accept when that player ahs played well then laud players like James Milner (who I like by the way) as if they are Messi because they run around a lot.

If runnng around a lot was a replacement for quality then we may as well sign Joey Barton, find another Paul Dickov and George Boyd should be top of our summer transfer list.

The stats all point to Yaya 'STILL' making a very significant contribution to the team but some City fans refuse to accept this because Gary Nevill poined out that he doesn't always track back, Strewth.

Worse than all of the above, under the auspices of FFP, some City fans are quite prepared to see him go for 10m which won't even buy us half of a decent player to replace him. Its the management of the madhouse, it truly is
Blue Mooner said:
I'm no cynic said:
Blue Mooner said:
If you were told you were not wanted by the fans of the club you played for, how would you react ?

Why do people not pick up on the following quotes ' Mancini is a mentor for me, he is a special coach. It is no secret that I loved the time when he was boss here, in the same way I love playing for city today

'As I have said before I owe it to the City fans to fight just until the end of my career at this club'

As someone said earlier it is physiologically I don't believe to be THE best midfielder in the premier league in 2014 then decline to be as some would have you believe a liability in 2015.

Anyone remember when the rags were booing Ryan Giggs back in 2003 ? If only they had managed to force him out of the club.

Yaya Toure has Jerome Boateng written all over it. Some City fans just do not appreciate qualiy even if it smacked them in the face.

As for letting him go for 10m !!? Do me a favour, what sort of charity do you think MCFC are ? As for saving his wages you won't save all his wages as you have to pay someone else, even if they are a lesser light you my save 3-4 million. Pittance when you are losing a player of his quality and experience and buying an unknown entity in the premier league.
The day that Yaya leaves this club, you can be sure that all this "love playing for City" and "I owe it to the City fans to fight" talk will immediately become ditched and his rhetoric will become the same as all those others over these past few years who have seen an end to their lucrative times at this club. Guaranteed.

Do you not ever question 'why' that may be? If you were called a 'c*nt' continully would you hold any fond memories fo your place of work ?

I fail to understand the mentality of some City fans, how come the rags can let bygones be bygones with Rooney and yet if any City player dare to suggest that he may even be remotely prepared to look for another club, even when he is being slagged off, then some City fans just can't let it go, refuse to even accept when that player ahs played well then laud players like James Milner (who I like by the way) as if they are Messi because they run around a lot.

If runnng around a lot was a replacement for quality then we may as well sign Joey Barton, find another Paul Dickov and George Boyd should be top of our summer transfer list.

The stats all point to Yaya 'STILL' making a very significant contribution to the team but some City fans refuse to accept this because Gary Nevill poined out that he doesn't always track back, Strewth.

Worse than all of the above, under the auspices of FFP, some City fans are quite prepared to see him go for 10m which won't even buy us half of a decent player to replace him. Its the management of the madhouse, it truly is

I respect your opinion mate but you want to blame everyone else except Yaya, despite most trying to point out the obvious. You live with your past memories, as we will. But we now see a totally different Yaya to what you do. He is a detriment to the team and IMO the reason for many others not reaching their potential this season. As everyone will, we are greatful for what he has done for us, but that was the past. Yaya is not needed for the future, particularly his attitude.

Yes, he did play much better last week which, in my mind makes it worse.
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