Player topic: Yaya Toure (2014/15)

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Re: bye bye yaya

Nelly's Left Foot said:
I am a big Yaya fan and I get surprised when some have a go at him because he can look knackered when he shouldn't be or he appears lazy at times when not getting back into his defensive position but tonight I thought he was staggeringly poor for the majority of the game.Yes of course there was the odd moment where he passed to a City player or made a mini surge forward but overall he was appalling.

Fernandinho was often doing his work as well as his own and it was only when Milner came on I started to feel more comfortable as we looked more solid. Equally poor though was the management decision to take others off and leave him on when it was plain to everyone he was contributing nothing.

I have faith though on our manager that if he keeps performing like that he will start to miss more games

This. Looks to me that he's untouchable and Pellers is afraid of taking him off. That doesn't bode well for the team. Maybe Vinny should have a word with yaya and tell him he needs to buck up,stop pouting and take this football club seriously.
Re: Yaya?

Is Zuculini yaya kind of player and if he is,then i would like to see him here from january or else we must buy an adequate replacement,although that would be hard to get in jan i guess.
Re: bye bye yaya

Yaya is a world beater, no doubt. The problem is, he is so inconsistently a world beater that it has hurt the team tonight. Sadly, the mgmt team did not do what was needed, which was go to a SOLID FIVE MAN MIDFIELD around the 70 minute mark. We were starting to get pummeled down both wings and through the middle, because we love to play narrow on the defensive side of the ball, and wide when we attack. BM set out to open up the middle and play around a largely immobile Yaya. Worked all night!

Yaya is a monster when we have the ball and usually a passenger when we don't. When you look at the possession, and the speed of movement of the BM forward 6-7 players, it is plain to see that Yaya was simply not at the races and his weaknesses were magnified by a Manager who knows this.

Milner looked far better than Yaya when he came on and did not allow too many players to play around him. Additionally, the game was crying out for Yaya to be brought off and either a Lampard or Kolarov to be brought on to out 5 across the middle. With Lampard in the middle with Fernandinho on his right and Navas outside him, it would have allowed us to push Milner out left and tuck Silva inside. At 70 minutes, it seemed pretty clear the odds were that we might be able to break and score, but the likelihood was that the BM pressure would increase and we needed to batten down the hatches. Instead, we left Yaya on as the #10, which he seems to think means that he walks towards his own goal and jogs forward.

Yaya's game is picking up the ball in the middle of the back four and distributing it left and right, receiving it back, shifting the game, and allowing Silva and Nasri to weave inside and out to make passing lanes for him. His game is not, and never will be again, to be a box to box midfielder.

I think Neville said it best...."He looks knackered!" and "He looks heavy." Agree on both counts, and he is relying on others to clean up his mess on the field, which is getting them into trouble with the refs as they stop the opposition players from playing.

I don't know the number, but I would be very surprised if any team in Europe has more yellow cards than City after just a few games. I think our midfield and back four have amassed at least 4 per game this season, and three of our back four get their first yellow tonight. One more and they miss a game. Wonder which game that will be? Let's hope it is not one of the "big games" that we need to win (and don't!) that stops us moving forward!

If Chelsea were not coming to the a Etihad this weekend, I'd give him a few days off and then start his training/weight loss regimen and give a few other players a run out. However, that will have to wait until after the Chelsea game. After that, I hope Fernando is back fit and that he, Ferni and Milner can start bossing the middle of the park for us. Heck, even MDM can play that DM role, if needed, to free up Ferni and Milner to boss the field ahead of him.

And, for me, Milner has earned the right to start against Chelsea, with Nasri dropping to the bench.

In short, I can quite easily see a future without Yaya, especially considering we will lose him for over a month due to the ACON again, and I think Milner has a point to prove and is making it with recent substitute performances.
Re: bye bye yaya

yaya was really poor last night, yes he did a couple of runs but he was fucking lazy in the 2nd half, did he touch the ball in 2nd half, even when the build up to the goal, the ball was near him and he stopped playing [ if you can call it that ] and put his hand up for offside which it wasn't and just stayed there still with his hand up. fastest I saw him move was when he went to put a arm around there manager and smiling
Re: bye bye yaya

simon23 said:
He didnt play well but neither did a few others....silva was poor as was nasri.....infact the only few that played well were Hart (obviously) kompany (as always), MDm and in parts fernandinho but he was also culpable esp in the first half of diving in all over the place needlessly..he over committed on numerous occasions and gave the ball away a number of times to...tonight reminded me of what his and yaya's partnershop looked like at the start of last season....both getting caught very square with each other allowing gaps to appear between them and the defense in between the was down to both of them (pls dont trot out the tired old line of its because ferd was doing two mans work...his positioning at times was awful tonight

Yaya will be scape goated by a lot of fans which was always going to happen after what happened in the summer but the bigger picture is that we have made a very average start to this season......we have won a couple without really hitting anywhere near the heights we can play at down to a mixture of injuries, a lack of fitness (a big factor and maybe the club didnt plan as well with this as they should/could have) and just general poor performances all around.
theres not playing well and quite noticably not giving a shit. the position he plays in you at least need to put the effort in even if you dont play well, the space in the middle of the park was incredible - god bless fernandinho.
Re: Yaya?

Having a quick look back through his stats since 2010/11, it seems that Yaya has only been substituted 4 times in games we were losing for tactical reasons (and a couple more times due to injury). Both Mancini and Pellegrini clearly prefer having him on even if things aren't working just in case he rescues the team with a goal out of nothing. And I think he knows that.
Re: Yaya?

Just out of curiosity, how come we got four yellow cards and Bayern none? Were they up to the same tricks as previous games throwing themselves to ground at the slightest hint of contact?
Re: Yaya?

Bluekiwi said:
Just out of curiosity, how come we got four yellow cards and Bayern none? Were they up to the same tricks as previous games throwing themselves to ground at the slightest hint of contact?
Another Homer ref, ( but not upto Clatrenberg's level by any stretch of the imagination!) hence the obvious penalty we didn't get before they scored
Re: Yaya?

As for Yaya, drop him until he's right, h's been off the pace all season so far, let Fenando do the Dhino roll and Dhino can do the Yaya roll to some extent, I think either age or attitude, or even both have something to do with Yaya and his missing form.
If he is indeed sulking, to get a contract extension/ transfer, he needs to be dropped, we missed him against Arsenal, and we missed him leant night, he was but a shadow of himself from last season, he needs to retire from international football for a start.
Re: Yaya?

You can normally tell within the first five minutes if ya ya can be arsed or not, and if he can't it's generally ends up being a bad day all round for us, it's even worse when hes captain it just spreads through the whole team. I love ya ya and what he's done for us but after last I wish we had sold him and gone and got Barkley. Everyone saying he's not in the same class as ya ya are obviously correct but at least he would have put some effort in unlike ya ya last night. And as for sagna well, utter dogshit!
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