Players targeted / Leg breaker hack on Sterling and kdb

thanks to danny murphys campaign on talksport we are targets,we could have 3 players with broken legs now,he is a disgrace to broadcasting and a disgrace to football,his reward is a place on the diving panel
not sure Danny murphy had a campaign ,he might of said teams need to get stuck in us ,but I'm sure he didn't mean over the top challenges ,peps brought it up twice now ,however he does it in a way that isn't clear ,he mentions the diving rule which he agrees with but says players need to be protected ,he needs to be more vocal about it, because after those 3 near misses I fear someone is going to take a very bad challenge that causes a very bad injury
That wasn't mistimed, it was a malicious, over the top, studs up 'tackle', the sort that should be a red card every day, and if not punished at the time, punished later by the FA.

Yes an intentional kick at, probably from frustration at being outclassed as I said.

delibrate it was and why it hasn't been reteospectively looked at (yet) is beyond me.

I don't think we are specifically picked on, plenty of shocking tackles happen in many games, we haven't been in.
No of course not.

Bar the odd one or two, players don't go out to intentionally hurt others, the simple fact is, we have the ball more than anyone else and we have far superior, quicker players so it's obvious our players are going to be on the end of more than average number of bad tackles.

We tire teams out like no other, when players get tired they make sloppy tackles, some of which can be highly dangerous. Other times, our dominance results in frustration which leads to fouls that are often not malicious in intent but could end up hurting our players. Our players in particular don't need or deserve extra protection from refs, players as a whole do but i don't see how that's going to happen at present.

If refs try and get tougher on bad tackles it will only result in their incompetence showing through even more when uncalled for sending offs occur even more regularly.

The answer is video refs in the stands, they can have all the angles, slow mo replays etc and alert the ref to bad challenges within seconds that deserve punishing on the spot and not after the game is finished when it only benefits the next team to play that side. That's just not going to happen anytime soon though. too many people in power have this view of upholding tradition within the game and refusing to move with the times and sadly, refs making glaring mistakes costing teams dearly is deemed to be part of tradition in football.
Ali and Kane are the media and FA darlings hence why no red cards. Kane immediately held his hand up and I'll have it that it wasn't an intent act to hurt Raheem. Ali on the other hand wanted to hurt Kev for the simple reason he spent the game chasing shadows and was made to look bang average by a far superior player.
not sure Danny murphy had a campaign ,he might of said teams need to get stuck in us ,but I'm sure he didn't mean over the top challenges ,peps brought it up twice now ,however he does it in a way that isn't clear ,he mentions the diving rule which he agrees with but says players need to be protected ,he needs to be more vocal about it, because after those 3 near misses I fear someone is going to take a very bad challenge that causes a very bad injury
No might about it ,he has been repeating let them know you are there,hard tackles and leave one on them,wtf does he expect will happen a little bruise here and there,come on
Too soon to say if our players are being targeted in a sinister way but three red card offences have gone unpunished. Dele Alli's challenge was malicious IMO but he has form; not sure about the other two being quite so deliberate.
Too soon to say if our players are being targeted in a sinister way but three red card offences have gone unpunished. Dele Alli's challenge was malicious IMO but he has form; not sure about the other two being quite so deliberate.
For me, those are just a couple of examples of the “leaving it late” challenges that been done against our players this season, many of which could and have lead to shorter term injuries.

I think KDB, Silva, Sterling, Jesus, and Aguero are being targeted with persistent, intentional niggly to down right nasty challenges with not much consequence (via what I can only hope is incompetent officiating).
Yes an intentional kick at, probably from frustration at being outclassed as I said.

delibrate it was and why it hasn't been reteospectively looked at (yet) is beyond me.

I don't think we are specifically picked on, plenty of shocking tackles happen in many games, we haven't been in.
10 minutes in so that pretty much rules out frustration. His foot was never even in line with the ball, he just came in from the wrong side and planted a leg breaker on Gundogan's standing leg. Not sure there's any mitigating factors with that "tackle" tbh, it was just a pre meditated assault.

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