Players targeted / Leg breaker hack on Sterling and kdb

If I was City, I'd have a quiet word with the Premier League and FA and tell them that, if this continues, the next assault on one of our players will be reported to the police. Whilst the police wouldn't do anything, the very idea of external scrutiny and adverse publicity connected to their product would be sufficient to frighten them into doing something about it.
No none taken. Obviously the talk is around the Puncheon tackle and again I am not sure, if as suggested the attempt is to injure our players what Puncheon would gain?

If it had been the first few minutes it may have put him out of the match but realistically the timing of the tackle would only impact on forthcoming matches against Palaces possible relegation rivals. Where is the benefit there?. I do also struggle with someone having the intent to injure someone and also if these were the tactics did they come from Roy Hodgson?. It could be argued I am being naive but I see no reason why someone like Puncheon would have such a hatred for KDB he would purposely try and commit a career threatening tackle. You would have to really hate someone to behave in such away and where does this vitriol come from?

Still it was a terribly timed challenge, in desperation to stop a break, and deserving of a red. Intent or not he needs punishing. Like most I think retrospective guidelines need changing and those tackles punished with the earlier post about Rugby being the best strategy put forward.

Maybe he supports one of our title rivals and/or is friends with some of their players? Late in the game, take a red, which it should have been and seriously stop our progress by us losing a key player for months which could easily have happened.
People with the agenda bollocks. It’s not a new thing. Good teams have always been targeted like this. Can you lot not remember Thatcher stamping on Ronaldo? Arsenal used to get kicked to shit. Refs need to protect the players much better in the prem, but this is a consequence of how good we are. Not because it’s city.
what pissed me off the most was the sheer obliviousness of the media with regards to the alli and kane challenges. They were absolute shockers and stonewall reds yet they were completely swept under the carpet.
what pissed me off the most was the sheer obliviousness of the media with regards to the alli and kane challenges. They were absolute shockers and stonewall reds yet they were completely swept under the carpet.
Had it been literally any of our players there would have been write-ups for weeks, filling site landing pages and rag column inches, along with vivid colour photo dissections and calls for retrospective bans.
what pissed me off the most was the sheer obliviousness of the media with regards to the alli and kane challenges. They were absolute shockers and stonewall reds yet they were completely swept under the carpet.
This is the issue, exactly. Kane's went unpunished, then Delle Ali did it because of that. Newcastle did it, and even said they would before hand. That went unpunished. Puncheon comes on all hyped up and what do you expect him to do, because he thinks its a free for all on us? The worst, and latest tackle, I have seen in ages. And I said that for Gundogens last week too. Its fucking appalling whats happening here
People with the agenda bollocks. It’s not a new thing. Good teams have always been targeted like this. Can you lot not remember Thatcher stamping on Ronaldo? Arsenal used to get kicked to shit. Refs need to protect the players much better in the prem, but this is a consequence of how good we are. Not because it’s city.

But it seems, because we are City, then nothing is done about it. That's the problem.
It's not just these bad fouls. Our players are constantly pulled, pushed and kicked off the ball and the ref waves play on.
Up step Fernandihno with a missed timed challenge and/or trip and hey presto, yellow card.
What really pisses me off is the likes of Danny Murphy and Phil Neville bragging 10 years after their mediocre careers ended that they "wouldnt have stood for that" and they'd have "left something on them". Well done for creating a shit culture that gives Dele Alli et al carte blanche to act like total dicks.
Lets not forget Scott Dann when he tackled kev and appeared to badly injure his knee in the process but for me the intent was there for him to mess up Kev, that was before Punchean assault...

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