Players you have met and really wish you hadn't?

sat in the Railway Alty Broadheath with my mate years ago.Pub was quiet.We were talking football as we often did and two blokes a couple of tables away started to talk with us.They had a couple more pints sat with us, then went.Sound blokes.....Then the penny dropped,it was Quinn and steve bruce.I felt a pratt cos I didn;t recognise them..My mate is from Sunderland and supported them, so he could be forgiven.
Saw Nicky Weaver, in a pub in Didsbury (o'neils i think it was then ) years ago, we had just had a lucky draw against Chester in the cup. He was with with his entourage/hangers on, he was shit faced ,had his shirt off swinging it round his head and kept slamming empty bottles of bud on the bar.Myself and fellow blues were gutted with the result, but he clearly didn't give a flying one Don't know him personally but that night he was a first class cock.
swp in ibiza when he was at chelsea - cocky bastard

met weaver in waxys day we played west brom on opening game he was not playing, was proper pissed but seemed good guy then !
wish i was old enough to have met kinky
wish id never met swp... i was about 7 and asked for a piccy... most miserable bastard you could believe. i mean they only have to pretend like they give a rats arse
Sang the praises of one former City Keeper on the other thread but here goes. Joe Hart what a misery. Outside V Bolton the players mainly all came through the main entrance. My 8 year old was so excited and got his picture took with everyone who managed to make it so far down. Joe Hart gets to us I asked could I get a pic of him and my lad he said "oh hurry up I am late" then had the nerve to sort of smile. What makes it worse was nearer the start of the fans was Mark Hughes. It took Hughes a few mins to reach us and when I asked him got the standard reply of "yes of course" so thanks to Sparky Zab Garrido Bridge Shay, Nedum, Micah , Dunnie and Ched Evans for posing Joe Hart cheers for upsetting a kid you git!!
gary neville!

when i was at bury, he coached me while he was doing his coaching badges! hes a first class twat on the pitch, but a decent bloke off it, still dispise him though!!!
When I was 14 my dad was a steward at Maine Road and managed to get me into the changing room for a few minutes. It was the relegation season under Alan Ball and everyone was ok - Kinky, Kit Symons, Curle, Flitcroft etc) apart from Uwe Rosler who was in a stinker of a mood. I found out after he match Ball had agreed to sell Walshy and that is why Uwe wasn't best pleased

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