Players you've met.

I crashed into SWP on the forcourt of Maine Road after buying tickets!!! The cheeky sod had the cheek to say it was my fault, even though he cut between 2 parked cars and cut in front of me!!!! Legend though!

Gio Kinkladze and Nicky Summerbee in the Nags Head off Deansgate!! Got Gio to sign a beer mat and didnt even realise it was Summerbee till they left Doh!!!

Richard Edghill at training!! Told us the 'gaffer' (Brian Horton) was P****D off with them all because they had got drunk in the Isle of Man! Top bloke!

Brian Horton in a restaurant in Cheadle after the last game at Maine Road! I Stumbled in about 10pm, well worse for wear drapped in the Bermudan national flay with 'Feed the goat' wrote on it and him and his wife spoke to us for ages!!! true gent!!

The Goat signing his fantastic autobiograpy in Stockport. Me and my boy got pictures with him, true gent and legend!!!
.. my son came home from the local gym last night... made up as he'd had a chat with Elano in the jacuzzi.
Back in keegans last season.

Had pics taken with all of these

Sun Jihai
Keegan himself
Joey Barton
Nicky Weaver
Sylvain Distin
Richard Dunne

Had a long chat and lunch with Keegan and got to ask some of the players some questions as well.

Shauny was all over the place he just kept bouncing about, he was like a little kid after having a few too many sweets.

Met Stan Collymore in a car park....Smashing bloke and goe's like a rocket!!!!

....I'm joking

....It was Mr Deniro... :O

Just joking again :)
I was mascot for city against Preston so met the whole team including.. Shauny wirhgt, Richard Dunne and stuart peirce and had my picture took with Kevin Keegan lol
Went to the Players' Lounge several times in season 2006/07 but certainly didn't ask for photos or autographs.

Met Tueart at my place of work many years ago (he had a PR meeting with my Rag boss).
Saw Ian Rush at the bar in a restuarant in Liverpool couple a of month back with 2 older women botoxed up to the max. He was proper shmoozing them with Cristal.

During the meal I went for a slash and saw Phil Thompson and Jan Molby in the bog.

(not city related I know)

I did meet Joey Barton and Fowler once though. They were sat watching the horse racing. I sat down and chatted to them for 5 mins. Fowler was a nice guy, Barton was just an arrogant tw*t.
Met andy morrison when going to watch wales and norway. He was down with alfie haaland.

My dad however has a brilliant story...
He works in a job that involves those bright yellow coats. Well he went to watch city at maine road when he was in his early 20s and it was pissing down. Only coat he had in his car was this yellow one. So, just after half time he went to look for the bog. He ended up getting lost but found himself near the changing rooms. Now in his yellow coat people assumed he was a steward. Which led to his fortunate break lol Someone shouted to him "ow mate over here". One steward had called him and said your supposed to be guarding the changing room, and to his luck the city one. He told me that niall quinn was talking to him and asked him to hold his shirt for him and he was in with all the city team.

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