Playing sport as you get older

Interesting one this. Speaking to mates and thinking about myself, although there’s some people who overlap, blokes and women I know seem to divide into those who are only really motivated to do exercise if it’s as part of a team sport situation, and those who are happy or choose individual activities.

Got one pal in particular who would play 11 aside football for years into his late 40s, and cricket, and is now talking about joining a bowls club, but had zero interest in ever going out for a run himself. He’d do it as part of footy pre-season but zero interest in doing it himself. Or cycling, or swimming.

For some people I think either the competitiveness, or encouragement of others aspect, or the sociable side of it plays a massive role.

Without one or more of those 3 aspects, some understandably struggle to stay motivated I think.
If anyone wants to get properly fit but struggles with an existing injury, then I would highly recommended investing in a decent rowing machine.

Rowing is an incredibly efficient form of exercise, and with all the fitness tracking apps available now, it’s really easy for people to build up their fitness levels gradually and make steady progress even if they haven’t done any rowing before.
If anyone wants to get properly fit but struggles with an existing injury, then I would highly recommended investing in a decent rowing machine.

Rowing is an incredibly efficient form of exercise, and with all the fitness tracking apps available now, it’s really easy for people to build up their fitness levels gradually and make steady progress even if they haven’t done any rowing before.
Boring though like a treadmill, I prefer a brisk beach walk where I can pretend not to look at bikini-clad Young women. ;)
47. Play 11 a side for a team over here on Saturday mornings. Play 7 a side on a Monday morning and 7 a side on Tuesday evenings.
I also play Paddle twice a week at 1 and half each session.
Try and do an hour in my gym 3/4 times a week but usually end up chilling by pool getting stoned instead..
Probably last season this one coming unless there’s a team in Mexico willing to sign me next year :-)
58, still playing 11 a-side twice a week, +35 friday evenings and then with the young lads on a sunday (usually have 25 yrs on next oldest), gym 2/3 times and week and golf prob once a month, plus plenty of walking the dog
Boring though like a treadmill, I prefer a brisk beach walk where I can pretend not to look at bikini-clad Young women. ;)
A good opportunity to listen to a podcast though. Or stick it in front of the TV.

Incidentally, I remember watching a video where someone was claiming that orienteering was better for you than jogging the equivalent distance. Something about the combination of physical and mental attributes. In fact, even if that's bollocks, there's definitely something to be said for sports that take a boring activity and make it more interesting. I heard someone saying that the reason they like surfing is because it's like swimming with a purpose. Personally, I like rock climbing, because there's a challenge and variety to it that you don't get from doing the equivalent movements in the gym. Definitely one for all ages, that.
Hitting my early 40s I’ve decided to take on playing a few sports again to keep my body ticking over after stopping while kids were toddlers.

But Christ alive I’ve no idea how some people have the energy, dedication and body to do it.

I’m playing football and tennis and seemingly every week I pick up some new injury and my body is really feeling it.

Do people still try and keep fit and active or just accept old age while slowly turning into a fat unhealthy mess who spends too much time watching tv and the internet - which seems very tempting right now?
42, soon to be 43 and I play 1-2 hours of tennis 5 days a week. Rugby twice a week and I gym every day and try to swim 1k 3 times a week.

When I started this regimen I was achy as fuck and constantly on ibruprofen to be able to walk without full pains in my ankles and knees.

I’ve been doing the above three years now and found that supplements help a great deal. I take glucosamine for the joints, protein shakes with creatine for energy and the usual multivitamins because I always think they can’t hurt.

Stick with it, your body will get used to the added load and you’ll be adding years to your life.
Football occasionally, but that's coming to an end due to an occasional dodgy hip, possibly arthritis. I ran around Derwentwater yesterday - 16km on my 63rd birthday. Another 10km today back home in Cheshire. It's hard work, but enjoyable

My lad took his dart board with us on holiday last week. He plays every day. My other son plays occasionally. I won every game, much to their annoyance. Also beat the two of them at pitch and putt.
Happy birthday fella.

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